The Despondent Succubus [English], by Yuukoh Kobayashi (also called Yukata Kobayashi, AKA Alemateorema)
The heroine is a succubus, and her first time didn’t take place exactly the way she was planning. That doesn’t make it the smartest scenario of the week, but at least it’s enough to feel a bit amused while enjoying the pretty well-drawn intense sex I hope you’ll like it, me, knowing I weren’t to expect some godly marvel, I enjoyed it well enough Thanks a lot to Cgrascal !
By the same artist, I also share Shanai Kankei, Gakuin Paradise , Taiso Fuku-Run Run, and Gakuen No Sono
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I enjoy this artists artwork, and the plot was an interesting one. Plus the end struck me as hilarious xD
Goddess I love girls with horns and in uniform (no matter what kind.. or hot bodies). That was damn good, not deep but hilarious, hot and happy and that is what matters.
Hey, hey, isnt the author's name "Kobayashi Yutaka/Alemateorema"?!
Different first name, different persons, I assume ?