Futari De Houkago (“The Two of Us After School”) [English], by Jingrock (32 votes, average: 4.31 out of 5)Loading... By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on April 1, 2011 18 comments in Categories: English Translated, Great Artists, Original Manga Update : I now share the UNCENSORED version of this, on THAT page
What the hell is with the Justin Bieber background today?!
Oh, wait a minute. April fools. Duh.
i'm about to say the complete samething
Oh shit. How i'm supposed to fap now … -.-
Finally a Jingrock's release that isn't ruined by the censorship.
heres a good website with april fools pranks and jokes for you all http://www.kidzworld.com/article/1939-april-fools…
this is the same couple from Adolescence Is A Sexual Excitement Period's 3rd chapter.
On page 8, it looks like she has two elbows in the top left pic….and his hand connected to her arm……lol
errr….top right pic, sorry
I wait a day to see if more people notice it, before making a news about it. EXCELLENT OBSERVATION, Raijukan !!
I see what you're saying but I think its just her arm over his.
Lol trolling us so hard.
Cute and funny. Many thanx Oliver.
My eye pain.
But thank you for shareing.
isn’t this the second part of a 2 parts mini-serie?
in the first part they are studying at his or hers home and in the moddle off it, she jumps him ;-)
Iirc, the first part you are referring to is in Jingrock's Adolescence Is A Sexual Excitement Period. But yeah, this must be a continuation of it.
If this is your way of April's Fool, you certainly did great. What the F**K was the first word I said when I saw this f**k background.
Lol, Oliver has the "Beiber Fever"