Relationships Wanted [English, Uncensored version!], by Narusawa Kei
This is a nice release by Sling and Masamune (thanks a lot !), featuring two teens having sex in order to train themselves for the day they eventually find a boyfriend/girlfriend. You can already guess how it ends, right ?
Graphically, it’s rather good, nothing extreme, but still pleasant to the eye
–Update: and now, thanks to Teddy Bear, this has been decensored! ^_^
Friendly reminder, avoid making the confusion with Matsuzawa Kei!
By Narusawa Kei, to this day, I also share Anemone Star Mine 1-4, Ero-Koi in its Uncensored version, The March Rabbits Of An After-School Club 1-2, its sequel although it’s called differently: Houkago No Sangatsu Usagi-tachi chapter 3, Tsuyo Kano, Changing Miracle, Sis Lover, Head Shot Bakery, Hanabi Yori Dango, and Kumagiri-san Wa Dere Nai chapter 1.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(10 MB, 21 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
enjoyed a lot this share
but way too short D:
thx Oliver
Just like this one from way back when:
It’s great to see another of the “classic” back in a decensored version.