My Nana To Kaoru Total Pack has been updated, and 12 new Nana To Kaoru chapters have been added, also available in a separate Zip :)
I hope you’ll appreciate the info, I updated my Nana To Kaoru Pack, with 3 new Arashi chapters (7-9, actual pro S&M) and 9 new “good old magazine serie” chapters (43-51, freudian anal fixation, and a new arc beginning.)
It comes in one fat BIG archive (1375 pictures, no less ! ^^), with an additional small zip offering just these 12 new chapters.
Please, follow that link to open the Nana To Kaoru Pack
If you don’t know Nana To Kaoru yet, please, please, give it a chance, this is the epitome of GOOD, pleasant, seducing and wonderful BDSM. And it’s a guy who usually dislikes bondage and SM that’s writing it.
5 minutes ago: God today sucks really hard, not a very good month all together.
5 seconds ago: … New Nana to Kaoru chapters added… ::Hallelujah Chorus starts up::
thanks for the update buddy!
This is the best BDSM manga I've ever seen. As a scene person, it's my favorite a hundred times over.
but the guy likes a lot of loli rape….which to an extent, I'm okay with
File sonic will not allow the file to be downloaded.
Download Error
The file that you’re trying to download is larger than 400Mb.
And depositfiles does not work… hasnt worked for the last 2 months.
Please add alternative download links, I love this manga xD
Hey Oliver, I thought you might be interested is sharing the Nana to Kaoru Ova. I found it solely by chance on one of my frequented anime site. Here's the link.…
I mean, jolly good.
Geez… Amazume Ryuta, his art is amazing… his Nana to Kaoru series is my single most favorite. And your update package happens to be perfect for me. Thanks Oliver! Great share!
Sorry to bother you but what is Nana to Kaoru Black Label??
I cant find any inifo on the net and i thought you could help
I can't help you, it's the first time I heard of anything like that o_O
Nana to Kaoru is for me the only Manga that makes sense to me. The characters have personality that is more human than most people I know. It's good to see a work of art that has some humanitarian philosophy behind it.
After reading this, I just browse through all these other mangas that I normally am appealed to, and I think: baah, this is so bad hentai …
So yeah, Nana To Kaoru is definitely a very pleasant and "enlightening" reading experience for my soul.
Thank you Ryuta Amazume and thank you, Oliver.
First time posting a message, and just felt like sharing my admiration for this work.