A Midsummer’s Lewd Night Dream [English, Full Color], by Oda Non
A sort of maid, I suppose, is entranced by a sexual magic and has groupsex with men disguised as foxes. Well, something like that This is a short full-color work by a full-color talented specialist, Oda Non, featuring very well drawn happy groupsex, and to hell with the senseless story anyway ! |
I reprocessed the pictures, removing annoying jpeg, printing or scanning pixelated artefacts (no idea where they came from) and bringing a tiny bit more life to the colors, cf this before-after comparison if you’re curious. It also had the advantage of halving the size of the pictures in the end
Thanks a lot to Baseballbat Boy for the translation !
By Oda Non, I also share Hitodumadukushi, a pack of 3 works (Cover Girls Episodes + Slave Fantasy + Yuuwaku Rouge), a pack of 4 works (A Secret Meeting + Midnight Cross Fight + Resolute And Firmly Look Like A Beautiful Flower + SeXual EXcitement Colosseo) and another pack of 5 works (Fukujuu Sengen + My Yuki Sensei + Oshiego No Ongaeshi + Secretarys Secret Working + Yukemuri Shotaiken.).
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(14 MB, 9 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Oda Non is pretty good as always.
Oda Non, always with the top-notch art.
Agreed, Oliver – a senseless story is nothing when it has excellent art.
thanks alot for the reprocessing bit, looks alot better =D
Man I love Oda's art style.
Something about it just feels….I don't know the right word for it XD!!!!
Thanks Baseballbat Boy for the translate and thanks you Oliver for sharing this ^_^
I'm gonna beat my dick like it owes me money.
Awesome is your nick but also the quality of your comment.
Chappelle FTW B)
LMAO ^_^
yea oda's art is very erotic, only wished he did a longer series.
Great art
I wouldn't say she's a maid.
The master she's referring to is probably her husband, as 'danna' (most likely the term she uses) has the double meaning of both husband and master (as in master of the house). The 'dear' she uses later also supports this.
Damn, would be fun to see how they do it till next year
Damn you're really good with Photoshop! °.°
Oda Non is a fucking god, his draws are soooo good, only bad thing is that he only do short stories =(
soo hot O_O