Tapu Love (“Full Of Love”) chapter 1 [English], + the Complete Japanese version of this manga (201 pictures), by Nakayama Tetsugaku

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Tags: braids
Where can I get a maid like that ? :3

The drawing style of Nakayama Tetsugaku has always intrigued me, we’ve got girls with a lewd nature, very frankly enjoying sex, and yet, they maintain all the time a candid face and a shy-looking behaviour :shock:

You may find it awkward, you may find it arousing, me at least, I like the change it offers :)
Thanks a LOT to Yoroshii for this release, it was a good surprise ! I’m grateful.

For the moment, we’ve got a female teacher (the busty reserved type, at first sight) reminiscing her past as a maid having sexual experiences, and guess who she meets again, her former sex partner, a student ! Hooo-what-a-big-surprise-!

If you’re curious to know what’s coming (I find it promising !), I also share the COMPLETE, but untranslated, version of the manga (it’s 201 pages long.)

By the same artist, I also share Please Hold Me (complete, 216 pictures), Milk Doll chapters 1-4Natural Mama (uncensored version), Yoromeki Toshinosa Choukyou, My Very Own Tengu, Bakunyuu Sphinx To Itsumo No Riddle, Boyish Girl, Wife Is Wonderful (that one is part of a larger pack of full-color works) and Braids Slave.

I share 2 zips. First : the newly translated chapter 1. Second : the Complete Japanese version of the manga (201 pictures, promising).

Tapu Love (“Full Of Love”) chapter 1, newly translated

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(18 MB, 31 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Tapu Love (“Full Of Love”), Complete Untranslated Version,

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(70 MB, 201 pictures, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative Zip Mirror

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13 years ago

This looks like it has potential. Thanks Oliver.

13 years ago

do you plan on making this on tank Oliver? hmm might wait for this, too many things need to be downloaded

thanks for the offer though ^^

13 years ago

Two new download links added to replace hotfile.