Boyish Girl [English], by Nakayama Tetsugaku

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments
Don't try to lift a girl for sex, because if you fail to, you'll be fapping alone for a whole week. I lived it.

This is the story of a girl who’s deliberately suppressing any expression of her femininity, until her childhood friend cures her from this attitude. He uses the two most bulletproof tools in such condtions : the word “cute”, and his penis. This is happy sex with love, should I even need to make the precision :)

Thanks a lot to Yoroshii !

This may sound weird written like that, but, to enjoy the manga, I had to wait for the moment when the heroine’s pussy was visible. Before that, it felt too much like potentially yaoi contents for me to stop being on guard ^^;;

By the same artist, I also share Please Hold Me (complete, 216 pictures), Milk Doll chapters 1-4Natural Mama (uncensored version), Tapu Love chapter 1, My Very Own Tengu, Yoromeki Toshinosa Choukyou, Bakunyuu Sphinx To Itsumo No Riddle, Wife Is Wonderful (that one is part of a larger pack of full-color works) and Braids Slave.

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(12 MB, 24 pictures, English)

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13 years ago

Yay Oliver ^^

13 years ago

the "safe word" is…..cute….

13 years ago

i still consider this as yaoi…….ughh
but still thanks^^

13 years ago

Tomboy and Yaoi are two different things, let's get that clear. well she's a girl, it just a comment that happen in the past that has changed her view on herself, a low self esteem. so she's a girl that hasn't heard her beauty been acknowledge, till her idiot friend apologize years later realizing his mistake. but she sure does look like a boy by the way she's dressed. but unless were talking about thai girls, which tbh can be hard to tell -ehhh got the goosebumps- she's 100% a girl.

Thanks for the share Oliver