Two new little buttons, and an idea for gifts in the First World

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

This post contains no porn, I won’t blame anyone skipping it ;)
But still, mind you, the second half of this post contains interesting stuff, in my opinion.

Wow, you want to read it, even if there’s no porn ? Wow.
OK, two things :o

In case you didn’t notice, I added two little buttons of top of my sidebar, they’re only visible on top of the sidebar when you’re on the index page :)

One of them points to Flattr, a very nice initiative allowing micro-payments, in short, you like something, you click, and that gives a bit of a predetermined amount that you chose beforehand. On my blog it may not look special, but imagine in the future, when Flattr becomes even bigger, the impact it can have on on a charity-type group, or on a newspaper, or on a music group…

The other button has been added because I’m weak and I nurture the fantasy my blog will be shown more often in Google search results if enough people click it, it’s the brand new +1 button.
I won’t totally blame you if you click this +1 button :lol:

Now, on another subject, a First World useful suggestion.
(If “First World” isn’t familiar, open this and try not to laugh too hard)

Last month, for my birthday, I had a problem : I needed nothing. No clothes. No electronic stuff. No books or music (the only ones I like are the ones I find myself.) I was content that it was my birthday, but I neded nothing. And as a liberal with strong green convictions, painfully convinced our ever-more-consuming drive is leading to nothing but catastrophe (trees don’t grow as high as the sky, guys, and besides gas, petrol and uranium, even several all-uses minerals won’t last two or even one century), I hated the idea of receiving useless junk.

Finally, we came up with another idea, something new for my family and friends circle, charity gifts. The money for you is spent on charity relief actions across the globe, and you are offered proof the money was used, in your name, for this, or that. The vaccination of x people, digging a water pump in a village, whatever.

Maybe for you it is no news, but for me and everyone around us, it’s… genius ! No more waste, and, I tell you, you feel much happier your gifts are making a big difference. Between receiving a new jumper you didn’t need, and the idea a village finally had a water pump, that peasants were helped buying non-GMO crops, that children could receive education thanks to you, for the same frigging price, what would make you the proudest, the happiest ? :)
Maybe you too you could think about it, if you’re surrounded with useless junk already ?
Cf this, or that, or that, etcetera…

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13 years ago

These "charity gifts" look like something I could get into. I haven't wanted anything for my birthday in *years*. With all this free hentai, who needs gifts?!

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  jaylou1010

Dang, and here I was, certain the first comment would be "I'd prefer a new jumper" :D

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago

I won't say no more, but I made a bet with myself over the contents of the first comment to be posted after mine in this post…

13 years ago

Quick question, When you +1 the site, will it show up on any social networking sites that your logged into at the time (LIke the "Like/Dislike" button)

I dont mind pressing the +1 button, but if it shows up on somthing like facebook, then i believe my near none existant social life would be close to over ^.^

13 years ago
Reply to  Riggz

Same here.. That's what I worry about.. Otherwise I'll happily click that +1 button. (i.e. anonymosity, and I can't spell)

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  acolyte

Not on your facebook account, on your Google Profile.

So if you have an active google profile, be wary, it's true !

13 years ago

I knew about the charity gift from a long time ago, im glad to see theres more people interested on this tipe of stuffs :D

and the link of first world problems.. Oliver U mean!!! (almost pee miself lauthing that hard)xD
the Flattr idea its cool didnt hear about that I really hope this keep improving

many thx Oliver :D

13 years ago

Great idea, but if you are trying to lower your carbon foot print, don't worry about it. Humans will be destroyed before Earth dies. Eventually the atmosphere will become destructive, acidic, etc. and kill everything. Then, after millions of years it will stabilize again and life will restart. But hey, we will probably die in the resource wars that are going to start up in a few decades, no need to worry.

13 years ago

flattr is awesome, soo I’ll charge my flattr account up again =)

13 years ago

quick point from a physicist: nuclear power is very renewable! as it turns out, you can react "spent" nuclear fuel with other materials to make more (this is a fuel "cycle"), so so long as we don't run out of things like lead, nuclear power is viable. read the link for more info:

13 years ago

Hope you don't mind that I +1ed at google. No, actually, please forgive me for feeding your hopes. ^^
And I actually like that idea with the donation birthday present. I always have trouble thinking of presents that I could maybe use perhaps, but this, THIS, is different. Thank you for sharing that great idea, I'm gonna put it to good use when the time comes. :)

13 years ago

Holy shit, Oliver, you're a Redditor?! I knew I liked you for a reason =D B'sides all the free H of course.