Before Sunset [English], by Maruwa Tarou
All those creampies, lately. Teaching the women to produce as many babies as possible, teaching boys to just shoot their load without thinking about tomorrow. Force lies in numbers.
All those netorare stories. Encouraging contempt for the weak, teaching the male readers NOT to be weak crybabies as depicted in the stories, encouraging them to be real men and grab a baseballbat when one needs to.
… Suddenly, it all makes sense. Yeah.
OK, OK, sorry, I’m dizzy with tiredness, it’s giving me weird ideas, this is entirely Fuke’s fault ! ^^;;
(Fuke, who did a good job at trying to squeeze as much rage as he could from the readers, evil boy !)
Allright, let’s be very clear. If you can only live with vanilla hentai, if you adored the wincest vanilla-ish first half of this story (Before Sunrise).. OMG, RUN, QUICK ! This here is catharsis time. The story depicts the sister having sex with someone else than her brother, despite the mutual love promises of the first half, the brother is in pain while his sister is in heaven, blah, blah, blah. Frankly, me, I’d have taken a baseball bat. To smash the face of that weak, lame-ass brother unable to act as a man. But if you prefer to hate the sister, feel | free.
In my opinion, I was fearing so much worst, it almost ends up as a trivial disappointment – in a good way.
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Ok… The old fat guy kinda contridicted himself right there… saying that their wincest would be looked down upon (Duh, Kissxsis Proves otherwise!) Yet, an underage girl getting pregnant with a teacher wouldnt?
I mean, in some countrys, so long as its mutual, it could be acceptable, but as oliver said in a post awhile back. Japan would basically put this guy on a black list for just about everything. His life would be over, no job and all he would have left to show is a slutty girl, who could ditch him for a bigger dic- I mean, a better guy at anytime… Oh and a kid. (This isnt rage, just an after thought.)
I actually expected it to be alot worse, too, When I saw all the comments in the prequal. I put it down to 1 of 2 things. (or both) Nozuki Ana traumatizing me to -real- NTR emotions (building over 5 volumes worth >.<) thus making it easier to read this stuff or because i peeked at the raws and knew what happened, without knowing what was said.
kissxsis siblings are not blood related, so its legal unlike blood related one..
interesting theory, if readers are optimistic, this is one way to look at it… if your pessimistic, well, lets just say that the artist just likes to piss off majority of the readers while granting happiness to some others.
Everyone has a fetish, its only fair to cover -all- of them, i guess. I dont mind reading most things on the internet, but it kinda shocks me that someone would actually go out of their way to buy a manga with their own money, thinking "I Cant wait to read this and make myself feel like shit!"
Man, you said it! Here I thought people read hentai for the S-E-X! What the Hell was I thinking? Mental anguish is the way to go.. NOT!
I try ^_^
Pity, the art is quite superb.
Mad/disappointed with both parties. Damn…
I don't care NTR stories as long as the graphic is enjoyable, but why an old man?
I think it is better with an eyeless-normal classmate
I like it, this is the best end for worthless "onii-chan" and stupid whore. Another point in favor of the bad guy=)
I think now imma delete the first half.
well this wouldnt be NTR if the weaksauce brother of hers did something, weak willed guys and orgasm inducing cum goes hand in hand in NTR, but seriously most NTR stories are just hilarious with how unrealistic they are
It actually makes plenty of sense for her to ditch her brother, although the girl is apparently too stupid to realize that she could have picked a better guy than the teacher.
i agreed!!!! she was waiting for her brother to take her virginity… and yet for some reason that asshole doesnt do it….. lol no idea why -___-
Honestly, this one wasn't that bad. The main problem was how unrealistic it was, like all of these are, but how quickly she switched from extremes. "No, we can't do this, I love my brother, I just want to try penis…." 5 seconds later "I'll bear your children! I'll be with you forever and ever!!! PENIS IS SO AWESOME!!! I will never leave you sensei!" wut? Sure, penis feels good, so you immediately go from hating someone and taking their offer for self satisfaction to I will bear your children and be with you forever? Wut? That's too far a stretch for any pain or misery to be taken from the blandness of the story. Nagare Ippon does a much better job of making it realistic, and painful. Days of training and then the guy gets fucked over. Either way, meh over all, don't like NTR, and this isn't even a good one if you do, stick with the first chapter, regardless of if you're an NTR fan or not.
FTW, that fat aguy and that whore , and that asshole looking (brother) , ohh men if i were that boy, probably i would kick the teacher with a baseball bat >.<
it's good to be back
thanks again Oliver
Psh. This never happened. The story ended after the first half and the two siblings lived happily ever after ^^