Wain No Kachikan (“Sense Of Values Of Wine”) chapters 1-5 [English, 153 pictures], by Fuuga
I don’t know how many times I forgot to update my Sense Of Values Of Wine (Wain No Kachikan) share, it’s been ages the chapter 5 was released. I sometimes thought “oh well, a following chapter should come at some point, right” ? And then, nothing came at all. So ? To hell, I’m uploading it ! |
it’s good hentai, 191 pictures long, with the best drawings the artist Fuuga has made so far (it took Fuuga a long time to mature into a fully talented professional artist, but it was worth the wait !)
From now on, instead of chapters 1-4, you’ll find the chapters 1-5
on my Wain No Kachikan page
And now, with my usual luck in such circumstances, I can predict the chapter 6 will come very very soon
so was/is fuuga on vacation or did the tls for this just stop?
Neko hentai also shares it and says it's complete
complete? complete in raw or was it really just 5 chapters long. cause that'd be kinda half assed.
Man I like this manga, I'm just patiently waiting for it to be complete
thanks Cooper for today's share
Thanks man, but just to be clear, ALL the posts have been made by Oliver before he left.
Personally, I wouldn't know Kouchaya from Okinawa xD
no update just Ch 5?
one link would be nice
The raw is complete, but the final chapter has not been translated.
Who scanlated ch5 anyhow? Extremely unsuccessful to find out who did it, you can find ch5 on a dozen torrents or share sites but no original source~