Infinite Stratos hentai doujin [English] : Sea Is, by Maruarai
I share only two zips this evening, stuff happened and I’ve been busy, sorry ^^ With an unusual but very pleasant drawing style, here is a simple and mildly funny Infinite Stratos hentai doujin, with pretty good action |
It was released by Nandeyanen, Mr Wind Up Bird, Jamescid and Hayate from Kibitou4Life, thanks a lot ! ^_^
By the same artist, Arai Kazuki, circle Maruarai, I also share Shiri To Souji To Unajuu To and Test Steron.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(42 MB, 51 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
If you like your doujins to have similar artwork of that of the source material, you'll be pretty happy here. Thanks andeyanen, Mr Wind Up Bird, Jamescid and Hayate from Kibitou4Life; and Oliver for sharing here.
This is nice
Let the IS doujins keep coming..
Ohh interesting, this was mainly done in Pencil, very nice, loved it, had a very nice feel to it, and a good change of pace you know? i highly enjoyed reading this one.
Thanks for those that helped published this work and Mainly Oliver for sharing.