Pack of 2 very sweet K-On Yuri Hentai Doujinshi [English] : Hiiro (retouched version), by Baka To Hasami, and Sweet Girls, by Aduma Ren

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments
Good yuri hentai ? I BUY :D

I repacked together two K-On yuri hentai doujinshi featuring, in both cases, Mio and Ritsu immersing theselves in the joys of lesbian sex.

Guys – and girls ! -, these two doujinshi are of the excessively rare type, they contain actual and good sex ! :shock:

And, what’s more, it’s realistic, none of the two girls suddenly reveals she’s owning a massive Rocco Siffredi Special vibrator hidden in her cupboard, or anything. Kissing, Licking, playing with the tongue, and rubbing genitalia, that’s all, and that’s exactly what I expect from a good yuri hentai doujin :)
It was released by Ackeejag from Pineapples’R’Us (hey, he’s recruiting for his scanlation group, and taking commissions, aren’t you interested maybe ?), and Cgrascal. Great job, you two, great job ! :)

I must highlight a change I made, I retouched Hiiro. As it was released in English, it had damn low resolution and the scans were double pages (one picture file would show two pages at once). I must say I’m pretty paranoid about the stuff I allow to stay in my permanent collection, so I made two changes with Photoshop:
– enlarged the pictures to 1080px high, at least it would match my screens vertical size, and it was not a too large resizing factor, the pics didn’t become blurry (well, thank you Photoshop, on top of all, ACDSee’s auto fit-to-screen function is a slaughter in comparison)
– cut the pictures in two, so that one picture = one page.
If you think my change wasn’t good, feel free, I also share in the same archive the initial version.

By Aduma Ren, I also share Koimitsu Fragrance (219 pictures, fully decensored), Epilogue 2 and Babysitters.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(19 MB, 79 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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13 years ago

When I told my "little friend" that Oliver was sharing a new Aduma Ren on his blog, he totally lost it :D. Seriously, "Body Language" was one of the best oneshots that I've read in 6 weeks. And these doujins are of the quality I've come to expect from him/her. Highly recommended.

Thanks Ackeejag and Cgrascal from Pineapples’R'Us and Oliver for sharing here.

13 years ago

This yuri actually appealled to me, and no doubt Aduma Ren is an amazing artist. Thank you Ackeejag and Cgrascal, and thank you Oliver for retouching Hiiro, now i can put it in my collection pile =)

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  hoccus

"and thank you Oliver for retouching Hiiro, now i can put it in my collection pile =) "

That line went straight to my heart, that's when I feel I'm more valuable than just another middle-man :)

13 years ago

Dopey Olly! I just had to respond to that comment – no way you are "just another middle man" – Trying not to go all mushy on you: I love your site and enjoy all the hard work, love and fun, tolerance and self-control you put into it. You do a great job. Thanks again.

13 years ago

a very strange "gem" indeed, yuri "real sex" with no futa or megadildos, thanx a lot Oliver (all to all the people involved)

13 years ago

It's hard to find good quality Yuri Hentai Doujin, and this was honestly a really sweet Yuri, enjoyed it and was pleased with the quality of the drawing. man only if we could find more rare gems like this. the stories were cute especially the first one hehe.

thank you Oliver for this pleasantly great Yuri Hentai Doujin <3