To Aru No Majutsu No Index hentai doujin [English, in High and Average Resolution versions], by Akano Sora

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments
Was it really femdom ?

The male hero of the To Aru No Majutsu No Index is gently femdomed (nothing hardcore, don’t worry), into having sex with one of his female enemies, a busty blonde. There’s oral, titty, and vaginal sex.

Despite the censorship, I think it looked kinda good, I enjoyed reading it, thanks to the drawings :)

Thanks a lot to Omega999, Kusanyagi (hey, he’s taking scanlations, if someone wants something translated !) and Raikoh from !

I offer 2 versions, since the pictures are in high res, an additional average version – used for the gallery and preview pictures-, and knowing from past polls high res isn’t always popular.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(36 MB, 27 High Res + 27 Average Res pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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13 years ago

First of all, thanks to Omega999, Kusanyagi and Raikoh, and thanks Oliver for sharing.

Now, on to something this share reminded me of: Oliver, there was some discussion in one of the chapters that was shared while you were on your recent vacation about these high res and average res combo packs. It can be found here:

The basic question was, do people want the lower res versions simply because they want a smaller file to save on their harddrive, OR is it that they want the file to be smaller so it is easier to download over a slow internet connection. If the reason why people don't like the high res versions is because of how much time it takes to download, then by packing the high res and low res together, you are actually making it *harder* for those people to download it. I just thought you might want to reconsider your high and low res combo packs if that is the case.

13 years ago

Cute. Many thanx Oliver. I prefer high res anytime.

13 years ago

whoa, Oliver, are you getting these from' collection or do you just have connections with the scanlation groups? either way, you're the man for sharing this with your visitors! Orianna looks amazing in this doujin….

13 years ago
Reply to  drakeking

it also appears that the artist/author is Nakano Sora, not Akano Sora.