Iinchou No Koibito chapters 6-7, + the chapters 1-7 in another Zip file [English, 167 pictures], by Shinogi A-Suke

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments
Tags: nekomimi
If you're into teen sex, this manga is awesome

Two months after the previous update of Iinchou No Koibitou, I’m glad to come back with more goodness :)
The new chapters 6-7 bring to a conclusion the long arc started three chapters ago, with love, a trap (not the brazilian style, a simple trap), teen sex and nekomimi maid sex.

Thanks a lot to Yoroshii and Nik for this release ! :)

Update: I now share a more complete version in another post:
Iinchou No Koibitou chapters 1-7 + Iinchou No Aisatsu.

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13 years ago

It appears that the link for chapters 1-7 just takes you back to this same page and not the depositfiles download.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Fernandohyde

Thanks for the report !

And thanks to my teething baby too, if not for him, I would have been sleeping when my blog finally published my scheduled post ^^

13 years ago

Great, it’s fixed! Thanks for the great share, I knew there was issue when it wouldn’t add to the depositfiles manager. I used your coupon code to get 10% off a Gold account a few weeks back, never looked back. Now I only use your despositfiles links, which I know help you out. You do a great job with this site, cannot say thank you enough.

13 years ago

Your ads are the worst thing ever. Especially the Aladdin and Ariel part(I don't think they have tapped into Simpson porn, yet). I don't get it, it isn't erotic, it just scares away the audience, which defeats the purpose of getting people to visit their porno website.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  uieiue

Frankly, I don't see my ads, I block them alongside all other ads, you know ^^

13 years ago

What is a brazilian trap, that you mentioned on the post? ¬¬'

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Hmm

Hm, it might be a French only prejudiced idea, then.

In France, it will refer to shemales, said to be one of Brazil's #1 export goods, and I really can't recall how it came to become associated to the word "trap", if I ever knew it to begin with.

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
13 years ago

Well, I will have to be rude (but honest) now. It is not true that transvestites are Brazilian #1 export goods, but it is probably true they are Brazilian #1 export goods… to France.

Once in Germany I was caught in the middle of the jokes by a French troupe, simply because I am Brazilian. I had to remember the supply and demand law associated to the main rule of survival. If the transvestites were starving in Brazil and were so well received in the Champs Élysées, there is just one explanation: French do like them.

In short, it is the same explanation about Japanese mangas (hentai included). They are a world success because the world likes them. :@

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
13 years ago

I am also curious. As a Brazilian, I would really like to know what "Brazilian trap" means (especially coming from a French).:o

13 years ago

2 star rating… jeez. Someone's working hard to hate >.>

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Allen7

Lol, yeah, your comment made me wonder stuff, I took a look at server logs, and it appears that Turkey beats every other country in terms of netfagging, lol.

I resetted the stats for this post, there was too much abuse.

13 years ago

thanks again Oliver :)

putting a 5 star to add some reputation :P