I’m back !
Hello everyone, I’m back from holidays
It’s been a bit hectic. A very good beginning (when did I last had sex 3 times per day several days in a row with my woman ? Five years ago, something like that ?), well-behaving kids, and sun, sun, and more sun. The ending was a bit less pleasant, 72 hours spent in a hospital because mini-me #3 had caught an amusing virus+bacteria combo – but all’s fine and healed now, fortunately.
Anyway, I hope you all behaved well while I was away, and had a good time
Now that I’m back, I have time today, I’ll resume sharing good hentai. If there have been BIG news that I missed on the manga or hentai scene (new Ishihara madness ? Fukushima leakage hitting Tokyo, that kind of stuff), or bugs with hentairules, while I was away, please let me know
Nice to see that you had good holidays
Now about the bugs, i may be a bit late but the function "Random Post" that advertised me so well until a few weeks ago doesn't work any more, which make me frustrated
So if there is a way to fix that, it would make me very happy, thank you for your attention and your hard work (and excuse me if my english looks weird).
You know, that can be a good story for a hentai manga… LOL
welcome back oliver:D
we missed you:D
welcome back, good to hear all is well with you
Welcome back oliver.
Glad to hear you had a fine time.
Welcome back, Oliver, but enough chitchat. My souvenir nipple clamps…? You DID remember to get them….RIGHT?!?! -_0
i freakin miss you oliver! WELCOME BACK!!! MORE HENTAI PLS!
At least it wasn't a zombie virus
I'm with Brook…welcome back but where's our Hentai souveneirs?!?? ^o^
You've got mail~
Welcome back oliver! We've all missed you dearly :-D
fuuu..okairi Oliver :O
can I have sex 5 times in a row with your woman too ? thanks
welcome back
welcome back oliver!!!!
It's good to see that you had a good vacation. I'm glad that your youngest son is alright. And congrats on all the wild sex you had with your wife.
Always better to take care of real life. Glad to hear that your child will be ok, This stuff pales in comparison to taking care of family. Glad to see I'm not the only married pervert around here.
Welcome back, and I'm really glad to hear that your child is healed!^^
I keep getting server error (a pic u put and saying I fucked with my server) except I use sites like ktunnel.com
That can mean two things, either you're in Japan, or someone with your IP has been trying to create problems with my server.
Welcome back Oliver!
Good to hear you had a good time and that your kid is all better.
Now for the Bug Report
I've had the same issue as Randomliker; the "random post" link wasn't working for me as well, whether I was on the first page or the 76th one. I'm normally run Firefox (version 5.0) and I dusted off Internet Explorer 8 and ran HentaiRules on that browser. The same issue occurred.
Welcome back … At least it's a good ending !
welcome back oliver
Woh, he's Bach ! :O
Sarah Connor ?
Welcome back mister Oliver =)
So i’ve heard you went out for a holiday… Welcome back, chief. Happy to see that you & your folks are doing fine. though your youngest got down with illness, im relieved that he got well again. and besides…
To all: Ever wonder why Japanese AV is shit ? Read it here -> http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2011/08/01/why-is-j…
Do you think 3d AV trumps 2d Pr0n, or is it the other way around ? Food for thought, right there.
Come to think of it, Oliver is doing us an IMMENSE favor to sharing the best & choice selection of printed hentai there is. So for great justice, if there are printed hentai from your favorite artists out, buy their products, if available !
So Oliver, what nice souvenirs have you brought us today ?
Welcome back, chief.
Welcome back!
Welcome Back
glad you had a great vacation ~
It's good to have you back. Glad your surprise break was so enjoyable, and all ended well.
welcome back.
Welcome back! Glad it was enjoyable:D
Wear a condom next time you plan on sleeping with whores so you don't catch anything nasty.
Welcome Back! Glad you enjoyed most of your vacation! Hope you kid's ok!
All's well that ends well! Right? ^_^
Welcome back! God bless you
Yep, just give me a few more days to catch up on all this…
Welcome back Oliver!
Sex 3 times per day? WOW
You must be still young, lol!
Good to see you're having fun.
It will keep you motivated enough to share good hentai with the less lucky guys around, hehe
33 is not young.
But it was my wife's first time wearing a bikini instead of a one piece, my blood took fire at this sight, and the fire didn't stop.
I have to ask, does your wife know what you do as a hobby? Is she into hentai? I'm just curious if the stuff you share is also read by her. If not, she is missing out.
As for the sex 3 times a day, you are a lucky, lucky bastard. Since I don't know what your wife actually looks like, I always picture her as a MILFy version of Alize. Of course, if you would actually post a picture or two of your wife, that would be best… ;-)
Don't count on pictures of her, perv !
As for her knowing, yes she knows, but she is not a hentai fan, we occasionally share a laugh at a good panel, otherwise she acknowledges it as a hobby of mine and seems to be glad I didn't get something worse as a hobby, that's all…
now im curious! yeah oliver! just 1 pic! post a picture of your wife!
Hey Oliver, I just wanted to let you know to keep an eye on Desudesu's website. Something good should be showing up there in the next day or two.
Welcome back! Glad to hear your vacation was good, relations *ahem* and all.