The Last Arms [English], by Otono Natsu
I have to be careful, there’s so much vanilla in this share I risk to become sick with diabetes This release made my day, thank you SO MUCH, Skybear ! ^_^ There’s just one thing I’m wondering, would you know why there’s this title, “the last arms” ? It doesn’t make sense to me… (Final note : page 7, it’s the URETHRA that’s censored, the persons in charge of censorship are real creeps !) |
In short, two youngsters give each other love, mutual trust, and hardcore sex, it’s very basical but feels damn good to read. Mutual love is almost common, but mutual trust, it’s rarer. Plus, it’s a very hot bikini and a very hot girl we’re able to enjoy, my eyes loved it, I’m confident many of you, dear pervs, will love it too
And there’s more than that! Don’t miss the list of all my Otono Natsu shares
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Super! I can't DL this one fast enough! Thanks Oliver and Skybear!
The power of cuteness compels you!
The urethra censoring is too funny..
thanks oliver
Otono Natsu has a huge breast fetish. I'm just glad that night super gi-normous, that would be a turnoff. thankx