Pack of 2 Full-Color Touhou hentai doujinshi [English] : Tonari No Yukari-san volumes 2 and 3, by Atsushiya Kogyo
Yukari, the hottest Touhou character (agreeing to 100% of the panel of judges of hentairules, that is to say : me), has great sex with #RandomHentaiGuy, making extensive use of her large breasts and her curvalicious body, for paizuri, oral, vaginal and anal sex End of the long story, everything else is enjoying the drawings |
My thanks are to Hot Soup, from Sharpie Translations
Please note : I’m sharing here the volumes 2 and 3 of that serie, while the volume 1 is available on THAT page.
Actually, the volume 2 is still in Japanese, only the volume 3 is translated here, but I figured you wouldn’t be missing much with a non-translated version, and the drawings were too gorgeous
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(39 MB, 38 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
I much prefer Yuuka, Mokou, or Meiling but Yukari’s great as well.
Excellent drawings!!! THX Hot Soup, and Oliver for the share! o/
nice. whens the 2nd one being translated and any idea on 4rth ch?