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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I read various webcomics, and two days ago, I think that, for the first time, I stumbled upon one of them that could have been shown on my blog without any problem…

So, without further ado, please guys, discover the unexpected adult side of XKCD ! :D

And if you don’t know that webcomic, I hope you’ll enjoy the discovery !
The drawing style is rudimentary, but the intelligence behind the pen is something else, with that rare edge to notice the stuff too obvious to be noticed anymore, and the science curiosity allowing to grab fun stuff where close to noone suspected it could hide.

I can provide my favorites :)
net-addict humour
command-line users humour (I howled with laughter at this one)
common sense humour
social humour

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13 years ago

I have been a fan of xkcd for over 3 years now. It's the only webcomic I still read religiously. I still remember the first one I read: "Macgyver Gets Lazy" xD

13 years ago

Also, do read the alt text for added humor.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anony-mouse

Right. Don't forget to hover your mouse over the comic or whatever when you're done reading to get the added punchline.

13 years ago

I used to like reading XKCD, but then it got too elitist for my taste. Randall really takes advantage of the fact that he's earning a ton of money on drawing stick figures and using jokes primarily suited for people with a (American) GPA higher than 3.4, and sometimes he just shoves it into people's faces, especially those who aren't HIS people (mathematicians and scientists et al). I really despise when people tell me that a certain class of occupation is better than anyone else. It makes me want to take a hammer and dumb them down by blunt force trauma.

13 years ago
Reply to  ???

Well, you've been warned : "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language."
I won't blame him for drawing "elitist" stuff ; and it's normal that everyone doesn't laugh at the same things. All in all, it's a pretty goob webcomic.

13 years ago
Reply to  Mordeth

Oh, and I forgot this "Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)."

13 years ago
Reply to  Mordeth

That's missing my point though. Lately he's been writing strips that passive-aggressively attack anyone who isn't a mathematician or scientist. Using humor to mock people is one thing, but this is more "I'm better than you" BS that is uncalled for. A lot of his earlier stuff didn't have this passive-aggressive element.
Also, sometimes he misses the point with his strips. Like that one he did about about the news reporters tossing around billion and million: He forgets that those numbers are really large to begin with, so the American audience DOES kind of get it, even if it's not in the same way that his mathematically astute mind might.

13 years ago

Besides XKCD, I also read Least I Could Do, Looking For Group and Romatically Apocalyptic.

13 years ago

Oglaf is a GREAT humor/very adult webcomic. Please check it out