Just in case you’re interested in having Portal 1 for free…
I must confess I have little moral problems with providing myself with stuff from Jack Sparrow’s bay, but from times to times, it may be also quite “comfortable” to have commercial stuff legally, without spending a single dollar on it, right ?
Anyway, I thought I could share the info, if you read it in time you could enjoy it.
Valve is offering for FREE, through Steam, Portal 1 for PC. It’s until the 20th of september – today as I write it.
Follow that link if you’re fast enough, and if it’s to your liking
Valve did something similar about a year or so ago… Since it was originally 'semi-free' with the Orange Box, it makes sense to continue to distribute it for free… in the hopes of getting more people to buy Portal 2.
Thank you for the tip. Just got the game for free.
Thanks for the heads up, man.
and don't forget to get Portal Prelude, it's THE mod to get a real challenge
Obrigado pela dica !!!
Excellent game, well worth the price (especially now :-) ) Also had a blast with the sequel.
Looks like I missed my chance, a shame too.