The Big One The Small One [English], by Zuki (Also called Zukiki)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Aww, such a cute face =)

This is a simple love and sex story, more like a few slices of life, a sex scene, and funny tidbits, between a petite girl with huge breasts, and a fat guy working at the same place. The girl is cheerfull and positive, the guy is nice and kind-hearted, and the girl loves him for the inside, not for the outside.
Graphically, this wasn’t as good as my former memories of Zuki/Zukiki (Harem X Harem, School Girl, and Bind). The artist tried to avoid showing censorship bars and ended avoiding showing genitalia, ahem). But it’s still cute and full of good feelings !

Besides, dear male readers, if you’ve got a few extra kilograms, you may love this manga even more, even in hentai, it’s nice and reassuring to see a heavy guy being loved and having sex, not because he’s a devil, but just because he’s “what and who he is” :)

Credits and thanks are for a scanlator I didn’t know, Mumei Translations ! The admin of Mumei is searching for a quality checker, I’m mentioning it in case someone is interested…

By the same artist, known as Zuki and Zukiki, I also share Harem X Harem (226 pictures, Uncensored version!), School Girl (203 pictures), and Bind.

 english hentai   english hentai   english hentai

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13 years ago

well gotta admit it this was quiet pleasant to read, thx u Oliver

13 years ago

YES! For a guy on the huskier side like me, this hentai = so much win. I'm not really 'big', because my height spreads out the lbs a little bit, for example, im less 'round' as this guy, but i got some extra baggage. But i've been waiting for some hentai with a husky hero! hey, big guys need love too! Next I wanna see some manga and hopefully an anime with a big guy for a hero. It's be great if he would be a real badass too. lol.

13 years ago

After some of the… weirder parts of his other tanks, a straight-up vanilla story is nice. I can't really like the author anymore though, the train-rape one traumatized me :'(

13 years ago

This was cute <3 Post more lie this please. I get tired of schoolchildren and monster hunters sometimes.