Seventeen Five [English, High and Normal resolution versions], by Yoshu Ohepe, an hentai doujinshi parodying the Ane Doki series
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SWEET ! A teen girl with great breasts, nice hips, a superb face, and pigtails ! Well, wet and sloppy hentai fans, that’s for you all. |
Fuke offered a high res (3015 vpx) and a “normal” res (1490 vpx) version, I’ll do the same, to make you an idea, use this comparison picture, “double the height” doesn’t convey what high res brings…
For MORE stuff by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of his shares on Hentairules!
Small update: turns out this is an Ane Doki doujinshi.
To save our time and bandwidth, I used the normal res pictures for the gallery and previews)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
High Resolution version
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(76 MB, 31 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Normal Resolution version
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(18 MB, 31 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Just a note, for the Google Bot and a few hyper-hentai-geeks, this doujin is also called Yo-Syu Tamagotei volume 24.
thx for this share, i donwloaded the normal res ^^
Just so you know:
1) This is an Ane-Doki doujinshi.
2) There are two more chapters of this, both done by DesuDesu.
Oliver is already sharing one of them here:…
There are actually 5 chapters of this, but I think chapters 3 & 4 aren't translated into english for now.
OK, thanks for the info ! I guess i'll wait for more to be available
Thanks Oliver! To my way of thinking, 'dirty' and 'sticky' are parts of sex anyway… so a little Honey can't hurt… or whipped cream… or chocolate syrup… just not as a steady diet. (OK I'll stop now.) Anyway, thanks for this 'tasty' gem! And my thanks to Conan and Fuke also!
mmmh, now i can't help but remember the food cooking belly scene from Hot Shots… (who said Hentai had all the weird ideas? ^^)
anyway, thanks for all the shares, Oliver
Haha, extraordinary reference
I confess i let out an involuntary gasp of awe the moment the page loaded. Thank you Oliver for this magnificent doujin^_^…Ane Doki? Swweeeet! Yoshu Ohepe sure loves to make doujins of the stories by Mizuki Kawashita. I wonder if he did any on Hatsukoi Limited?
Thanks a lot Conan, Fuke, and Oliver.
Yep… every page I got less and less excited with the food-sex. The margarine was a deal breaker.
Haha, me, when I saw the margarine, I concluded "Woohoo, anal sex !". Bleh, not even.
I liked this doujin very much. Then again, that means, I'm a pervert beyond words? But really…
"What is a pervert?!
Nothing but a miserable pile of little fetishes!
But enough talk!
i found it to be rather erotic myself xD
I cry every time I see Yoshu Ohepe’s work. First there’s the girls with cherubic faces, like something out of those old campbell’s soup ads. Then, there’s the women with thick round bodies like Robert Crumb’s work. But it all gets dashed to pieces by too much busy work in the picture with sweat flying and half pulled off clothing. Sometimes, he/she pulls it off, but most of the time it winds up being a hard to follow mess. Thanks for the upload.