Sex Camp [English], by Redrop

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Tags: plump
Who wants a hot female teacher ?

A hot female teacher (I’d give her 25 years old) with a nice body (not plump, but delicious meat to grab, still, and large breasts) does her best to arouse a baseball team and have them run wild at her body. Six pages later, she’s won the big prize and the gangbang begins ;)

It’s not my favorite Redrop (I’d rate it as average, compared to other awesome works by this artist like this), but it’s still fairly good in absolute terms.

My thanks are for Imari, Psyburn21, Blurk, Torn and Mondere, from Team Vanilla :)
(Fore more ReDrop, Cf. the list of ALL his works on Hentairules!)

 english hentai english hentai english hentai

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13 years ago

One Delicious Teacher ;)

13 years ago

Thanks a lot to the gang from Team Vanilla for their hard work on this, and thanks Oliver for sharing.

13 years ago

Yoyoyo, thanks Oliver for the share.