Sweet Days [English, 191 pictures], by Takasugi Kou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 26 comments
Tags: comedy, MILF, plump
Take that biatch ! Suck my lightsaber ! (lol)

How about some MILF hentai, or even mature hentai, for a change ? :)

The women must be between 30 and 40, and their bodies reveal it almost realistically (the “almost” part : no loosened bellies, smooth skin, only a little bit plumper than younger girls, tits only a tinby bits saggier, and tense skin around the eyes). For that niche, the drawings are pretty nice, the faces are good too. There are tender kisses, or straight vaginal or anal sex. There’s just ONE big annoying problem, the goddamn thick white censorship, RHA it’s driving me MAD that some publishers don’t find it ridiculous when the rest of the competition is satisfied with thin black bars or just grayer bars.

Oh, and as for the scenario, it’s a full-volume story with blossoming love evolving into a steady well-working relation :)

Something crucial, there are blessed occasional funny moments (nothing much, a sudden grimace, a nosebleed, small details relieving the mood), I’ll highlight (don’t miss it ! ^^) an immense LOL at the end of chapter 6, and an almost equally immense burst of laughter at the end of the following chapter: D
While I was at it, I made two bonus pictures. One of them is a simple what the FUCK? moment that burst in without reason and against all common and hentai sense, agains the flow of the manga, against… everything, lol. The other is the fruit of my anger at the censorship.

For MOAR, check The (long) list of Takasugi Kou’s works on Hentairules.

Credits and tons of thanks are for Tadanohito, commissioned by Buster !

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13 years ago

translated by: Tadanohito

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  2Hip

Wah, I left out the line with the credits :shock:

13 years ago

If you look closely at the left side of the crowd of boys in the festival scene where she's wearing a yukata, there's a friggin' GOBLIN!

13 years ago

The only reason why I gave five stars for this release was the fact the story was great and the drawing was excellant! The major downside was the CENSORING!!!!! :@ Geez, in my opinion it was ruined the rest of the book. Still though, it was an awesome release. Thanks Oliver and Tadanohito!!!

13 years ago

Great story and superb art. Wish the lady got pregnant in the end tho.

But censor – should spend the rest of hers/his days in dark room being ashamed!

13 years ago

Thank you for the share Oliver, and those hilarious bonus pics buahahaha, and to Tadanahito and the commissioner BUSTER!!!.

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
13 years ago

Oh, fuck yeah.

13 years ago

Just a Great Share, Oliver! But, like everybody else here, that huge eraser censorship thing puts one off of enjoying it completely. Thanks Oliver, and curse the Censors for ruining fine work.

The Hitchhicker
The Hitchhicker
13 years ago

Yes, Yesss YEEESSS!!! YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!! This is how a MILF/MATURE/MILFCEST manga has to be done, with love, good feelings and happy sex instead of that mindbreak, netorare or wife/mother stealing CRAP!!! We already have to deal with enough shit in the real world to be bombarded with fucked up stuff like that in the Hentai World. Takasugi Kou, I SALUTE YOU. God blesss you my good sir!!!

General Hentai
General Hentai
13 years ago

Great share, loved it. LOL, the finger fucking on a train reminds me of the time I finger-fucked my wife while we were on a trip. I finger fucked her for abbout 200 miles of Interstate Highway, and the scene where Mizuki practically rapes him when they get alone in the room is almost exactly what happened to me. VERY good times.

And, yes, with everyone else the censoring is absurd, made even more by the fact that genital shaving is involved…I never saw anything that needed shaving due to the censoring! Then, when she's supposed to not be wearing panties…It looked like she was wearing panties due to the censorship! Major censorship fail!

Still, a hot MILF is a good MILF, censorship or not.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  General Hentai

I don't know if I must "woot !" you or if I must hate you. Good story, good slice of life, I'm glad for you :)

General Hentai
General Hentai
13 years ago

Heh, I'd give that a "woot" if only for my driving skills. Left hand on wheel, right hand in pussy and on clitoris while driving at 70-80 miles per hour. She had hours of orgasms. Then when we got to the hotel, we were so horny that we didn't realize that the deadbolt was out before we closed the door, meaning that the door was open a crack for a long time, LOL. We never did find out if anyone saw anything.

IGO - The Dreamer
IGO - The Dreamer
13 years ago

"A hot MILF is a good MILF!" (so true)
And these censorship really sucks!!!
= /

13 years ago

Man this manga was amazing milf action at it’s finest 5/5.

Dragon Blade
Dragon Blade
13 years ago

I agree with The Hitchhicker, this is how MILF/MATURE/MILFCEST manga needs to be done! Like everyone else, I disliked the censorship as well, but the art and storyline more than made up for it. Just wish that his mother could’ve also ended up with him as well. Thanks Oliver and Tadanohito for giving this to us.

Got a question though, is there anymore manga’s like these with a full tank storyline with a milf/milfcest theme out there?

I know that Takasugi has a few more manga’s that are waiting to be translated. Hopefully with the popularity of this one, someone will decide to translate the rest of his work for us.

13 years ago

Thanks! As usual Takasugi Kou at its finest with drawing MILFs. God how much I hate the censorship though :( I've also start to notice that all the great MILFs artist out there tend to have the worst censorship (Oda Non, Linda, Izayoi Seishin all comes to mind) Any recommendation for a great MILFs artist? (so far I only have Oda Non, Takasugi Kou, Linda and Izayoi Seishin)

The Hitchhicker
The Hitchhicker
13 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Mitarashi Kousei and Maeda Sengoku. But unfortunately, I have not seen any of Maeda Sengoku's works translated. Maybe Tsuya Tsuya (tatoeba haha ga, an almost mother stealing manga with a really good ending). Hyji, Suzuki Tange and Yuki Yanagi (Milky Mama) are good choices too!!! :D

13 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Tohru Nishimaki, E-Musu Aki, Miyabi Tsuzuru depending on your tastes.

13 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Hey thanks for the recommendation didn't know people would reply so fast. Anyway I checked them all and the only one that catch my attention is Mitarashi. Let me know if you have more! And I'm looking more into the drawing style of Linda/Oda Non/Izayoi as to me they're actually have a pretty similar drawing style!

The Hitchhicker
The Hitchhicker
13 years ago

Toshihide Sano, Gunma Kisaragi, Rio Yanagawa, have (in my opinion) similar styles to that of Oda Non who is also a personal favourite. ;)

13 years ago

I believe the mother and son neighbours are guest appearances from an earlier h-manga by Takasugi Kou. Check out Oki ni Mesu Mama http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=25914 if you guys are interested. I'm not sure if this has been translated yet, but it's worth a look in my opinion.

Sadly, it's also suffers from the same style of censorship.

13 years ago


12 years ago

I wish I could find uncensored version of it. Would be much better fun reading IMHO.

8 years ago

Broken link