Dream Club hentai doujin [English] : Dream Paradise, by Gunma Kisaragi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 16 comments
The scenario is like mincemeat, but the girls are great

Allright, this is Gunma, so you know what to expect, right ?

– The storyline is crappy (not revolting or horrible, just crappy, as if it had been badly translated and turned the scenario into random garbage, except that this is not a translation problem)

– But the drawings are very good :o

The story is about Dream Club girls having sex, and I gave up at figuring more than that, for the rest I focused on the drawings, they were not bad, girls in costume having sex like that can’t be bad anyway :)
Credits and thanks are for Raikoh from Doujin-Moe.us and somebody whose name wasn’t written or has been removed AbhiEpicWorks (thank to 2Hip for the info, too !) -_-

I share much more stuff by this genius, Cf
My almost updated list of all his works
And my Gunma Kisaragi TOTAL PACK !

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(19 MB, 26 pictures, English)

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Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago

I swear I was disappointed to discover this wasn't released by Cgrascal.

13 years ago

Lol. Well like you said, this IS by Gunma Kisaragi. Since when had that guy came up with a good story

13 years ago

I'm pretty sure the two guys weren't double teaming Amane outside of the protagonist's imagination and were just, um, feeding her…which makes it all really funny.

13 years ago

translated by: AbhiEpicWorks

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  2Hip

Adding the credits. Thank you ! :)

13 years ago

You misunderstand the story, Oliver. The protagonist thinks Amane have sex with these 2 guys. But this is not the case at all. In fact, they're just feeding her ! This old guy has funny fantasies. ^_^ If you read again the last page, it's clear and very funny ! ^^ Just the protagonist's imagination wandering…

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Tranger

I re-read it, and even then it's not clear ^^;;

But, oh well, Gunma, you know ~

13 years ago

As you wish ^^. For me, it's clear and the last page's very funny !

And yeah, gunma, I know XD

13 years ago

The usual Gunma reaction by me- great art of a style I worship… connected to a story I usually can't enjoy. This was less awful… but still not one I'd call fun. Thanks Oliver for the share- for the dialog I can 'Shop it out and write my own.

13 years ago

i don't really think this is the place for it but i forgot the name of a manga that the girls in the manga are mushrooms the art is closely like DP's works anyone know whats the title?

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  kidopitz27

I suggest you search for the term "catshrooms" ;)

13 years ago

finally..so many h-manga on this site..but I can't let this one pass!! Ty!

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  teo123


13 years ago

is it just me or depositfiles just not work at all anymore? after the captcha, it just resets and goes back to the queue prompt! wtf!

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  stjames

There's an increasing number of people reporting problems, and yet my download stats with depositfiles are steady over time, in average :-/

You tried clearning all cookies with the term depositfiles, or another browser, or a proxy, that kind of stuff ? You never know…

13 years ago

I've found that I have to click the confirm button (or whatever the thing below the captcha is) with my mouse rather than hitting the enter key. Don't know why, but the enter key just resets, like the problem stjames has.