Pack of 5 works by the artist Katsurai Yoshiaki (Also Known As Basutei Shower) [English, 161 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 14 comments

The "tease my anaru" part was awesome

I may as well warn you VERY strongly right now : 3 out of 5 volumes in this pack are really nasty if you’re a vanilla lover like me, featuring severely mindbroken heroines depicted as so dumb they somehow deserve it. If you think you may be hurt reading this, you will be, and then you’d better move to another post.
– On the other hand, two other works are pretty nice and display simple uncomplicated happy sex with mutual liking (“one boy, several girls” cliché stories).

These works are :
After Flowers (AnoHana doujin, happy brainless sex, probably my favorite, 3 girls, tolerable censorship, several positions, more “polished” drawing style, and the phrase “tease my Anaru”, said by the girl called likewise, lawl)
After School Obedience Coaching (hentai rape, mindbreak, rage to kill the male hero)
CLA-MC (hypnotism to convince Clannad girls they are cum dumps)
Over Upper (To Aru No Majutsu No Index heroine so deeply dump she approves of being drugged, mindbreak follows, I raged at the mere idea of that scenario)
Sister Friend (Oreimo happy braindead sex between the brother, his siter Kirino, and their friend Ayase, sadly there is mosaics censorship, argh, DIE MOSAICS, DIE!)

Credits and thanks are for Wrathkal, Sokarius for Doujin-Moe’s Raikoh, Tornomer, Wrathkal and Altereggo from LWB, and late RageManga.

For plenty more, see The list of Katsurai Yoshiaki’s works on Hentairules!


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(125 MB, 161 pictures, English)

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13 years ago

Thanks Oliver, at least the Anohana doujin isn't bad, and the Oreimo one too, I'll download and decide what to do with the rest later on. btw, just a precision, "Over Upper" is a To Aru Kagaku no Railgun doujin.

13 years ago

On second thought, even the Anohana doujin is a little gross considering how little regard the author have for the original…makes me sick…Anohana fans be warned.

Kuonji Alice
Kuonji Alice
13 years ago
Reply to  VVen

That reminds me though…I never ever seen a good anohana doujin regarding the original works. Many of them depict Anaru as…well, a whore and a gross one at that.

13 years ago

Since a few days ago I can't download ANYTHING because I can't see the "captchas" of the download pages (even depositfiles). If anyone knows how to solve this problem, tell me please.

I have used anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware, updated the java, but nothing… I can't see the captchas…

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Milius


With all file hosts ?!?

13 years ago

Yeah, I only can download with Megaupload because doesn't have captcha… If the host have captcha, I can't see it, so I can't download…

13 years ago
Reply to  Milius

in your browser try to clean your cookies, temp files, cache, etc.

or try to use jdownloader

13 years ago
Reply to  wazzaby

both done with the same result… nothing… I'll take it with philosophy.

13 years ago
Reply to  Milius

Register an account with depositfiles and you don't see any captchas.
The depositfiles captcha's has been blocking my downloads lately. But if I login I get no captcha like before.

Get a free depositfiles account. It's useful. If you download a lot of Oliver's stuff, it'll quickly accumulate and you get download points for free premium account.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Milius

And with a premium key, would it still block ?

Try it, here's a monthly one : 2lgjmz8r2ts9h57lx8qdjjhx8qm18cnn

(Not doing a special favour, the latest available key was a monthly one, so go for it Milius ^^)

13 years ago

it is really sad that most of Basutei Shower's works nowadays are sad stories with mind break and even NTR for his last work. It is really difficult to believe that his earlier work implies happy sex and mutual love. I really hate the case where a author turns to become a specialist of Rape, Mind Break and NTR stories (like Takeda Hiromitsu where as the main character of the ecchi manga Maken-ki, really believes that the worst dishonor for a man is to be forceful or violent toward a woman. NO COMMENT towards Nagar Ippon and Shindo L. And RED CARD for Maruwa Tarou and Erect Sawaru who gives us with before Sunrise/Sunset and REC, the worst case of NTR Stories with a horrible twist, and a pathetic male "hero" for "before Sunrise/Sunset. For temper this point of view of an NTR hater, I will admit that a lot of vanilla works lacks of originality (but at least I did not rage after reading the story).^^

13 years ago
Reply to  baka-man

I agree with you, but to each their own. NTR sometimes arouses people. You don't want it to be done to you but you wish you're the lucky guy in the story. The 'do unto others what to be done unto you' principle doesn't apply here -_-

If I can have my way, I want the artists doing NTR to switch to more romantic styles.. I just hope there are more and more new artists filling the void left by the mangakas switching to NTR style.

But hey, there's still plenty. These days I feel I can download only 50% of Oliver's shares, but that's still quite a bit XD

13 years ago
Reply to  acolyte

Yeah, unfortunately NTR specialists are often really good do arouses people. But to me, to the wrong way. Rape, Mind Break with this idea that women are nothing more than a sex slave, and showing very precisely the male hero' suffering (in order to humiliate him and to show him how stupid is this idea of genuine love) are what infuriates the most with this theme.

"If I can have my way, I want the artists doing NTR to switch to more romantic styles.."

Same here! But unfortunately, I have never seen this case of an NTR artist who switch to a "vanilla" style

13 years ago

Sometimes I've heard of adblock software doing this, try disabling yours if you have one and that might be the problem. And if that doesn't work just create an account for depositfiles and login then download since by doing so you skip that host's captcha. (not sure on others though)