Sankakukan chapters 4-5-6 [English], by Haru Wamusato, + the chapters 1-6 in another Zip file, + the Complete Japanese version of this manga (215 pictures)
Update : good news, the present page has become obsolte !
I’m now sharing the COMPLETE version of Sankakukan on THAT page, enjoy !
Oliver, the wupload link for 1-6 goes to the 4-6 link.;)
I *think* Kusanyagi and Kusanyagi177 are the same person, but I'm not positive. Maybe 2Hip would know for sure. In any case, thanks to them for these great new chapters, and thanks Oliver for sharing.
Thanks Oliver for this share.
Thanks for the share. Anything by Haru Wamusato is appreciated.
You do know that most of the time when you say blonde, it is supposed to be light brown hair. It is even shown on the colour cover here. Blonde is a very rare thing in Japan, usually only happens when one parent is white.
Please, allow me have fantasies of teenage blonde wapanese girls with an adult body, okay, don't shatter my dreams !
Thanks a lot Oliver, your description is absolutely mouth watering:D
Haru Wamusato = BIG WIN. Thanks !^^