Two small questions, please :)
Hello, I’m curious about two things, I’d like to ask for your opinion about it, if you have two minutes ?
They’re about the Discworld movies, and about the linux command-line rsync tool (coder assistance is required ^^).
I just learned today that there were 3 Discworld movies, and a 4th one being prepared. To me, it’s a shock, I thought it was like for Good Omens, a brilliant project impossible to actually bring into being a movie.
I won’t ask for torrent or direct download links (it would be BAD ! EW ! Plus, I’m sure I’ll find them myself easily :o ), I’m more curious about your opinion, if you’ve seen it… Are these movies OK, don’t they betray the original marvelous books by Terry Pratchett ?
And now, something for the coders and the unix/linuxians, I have trouble being sure of the way a linux command works, and if I screw up, precious data is lost and I’m in deep shit, so I’d rather make sure first, please, help !
. Imagine you do a “rsync -av -e ssh source target“, and wait two weeks…
. During those two weeks, in the source, you add some files, and remove some other files. Then you run “rsync -av -P -e ssh source target”
. Does the -P REALLY mean that files that aren’t anymore in the source will also be deleted from the target ?
. Are files that were modified by a few bytes but kept the same name and almost the same size replaced with their new versions ? (Time stamps would be different)
I NEED a confirmation badly
I haven't seen them but Terry is pleased with them and he has made cameos in all of them. There are also animated series of Soul Music and Wyrd Sisters.
seen them all, they are great. Have the same feeling as the books, you wont regret
Yes. Agree.Awesome. Inough talk. Now go watch. Enjoy.
oliver, I have yet to see Hogfather, but from what I’ve seen in Going Postal and The Colour of Magic, they keep true to the spirit of the books – there some parts missing/added/changed.
About the Discworld movie:
I am a huge fan of the books, Own the animated movies, even own "Where's My Cow". I had an issue with the casting of Rincewind, not because the actor wasn't good but he was a little old and not nearly skinny enough for the part, otherwise I enjoyed "The color of magic". "Making Money" also is a similar issue though in this case it was because I didn't fully like the actress they got for Spike. Lastly is "Hog Father" this will be required watching around the holidays here, I did not have the tiny niggling issues with the characters that distracted me from the other two movies. If Paul Kidby had not drawn such perfect characters I would likely not have had the issues I had. All in all I found them great movies however I recommend going in realizing some characters just will not be close to the art. Oh and Jeremy Irons as the Patrician was excellent choice. But of course this is just my opinion.
I preferred the guy who was Vetanari in Going postal, he was a lot more colder and brutal – more fitting the image i have of him
Oliver, I don't use rsync, but just a sanity check after reading the man page:
Capital P or lowercase p?
Lowercase p: –perms
This option causes rsync to update the remote permissions to be the same as
the local permissions. This is just permissions though, not about presence of the files.
The -P option is equivalent to –partial –progress. Which shouldn't have anything to do with preserving files.
Is either of these the flag you're talking about?
If you want to delete files in destination that's not in the source I guess that's what '–delete' is for, and '–ignore-existing' if you don't want to update the destination file?
Are you able to test rsync on just 1 directory instead of your top directory?
*And of course, if –delete and –ignore-existing is not what you want, I'm naively assuming the default is the opposite of these.
as acolyte wrote:
NO, "-P" will NOT remove ANY files from the target.
IF you wanna do a 1:1 sync, you use "–delete", or deleted files will be kept in "target at later runs".
If you need more Info, you could mail me.
I'm quickly passing by, I don't have time right now
OK for the –delete, thanks !
Files deleted from the source are deleted from the target too, that's it ?
Does that –delete trigger ALSO mean that files that were CHANGED in the source are replaced in the target ? Or only under some circumstances ?
Delete removes file that don't exist anymore, not file that were changed. Unless you renamed them in which case rsync will copy the renamed file and delete the one with the old name.
You seem very nervous about this rsync affair. Why don't you run rsync with -n (–dry-run) first? That way, you can catch unexpected behaviors before making any permanent changes. Also -i (–itemize-changes) in conjunction with -n seems useful.
If target has newer files (by last modified timestamp) and you don't want to accidentally overwrite by older ones from source, use -u (–update).
And for the opposite case, if source has newer files and you don't want to overwrite the target file, –ignore-existing may work.
Hogfather was a bid childish for my taste. The color of magic and Going Postal were quite entertaining.
Regarding Discworld’s movies:
Hogfather and Going Postal are quite good adaptations, with good choices for the cast and characters. To be fair, they must be one of the few book-to-movie adaptations I really like. (I loved nobby’s choice of actor in Hogfather, even if he barely appears. Same with Angua for Going Postal)
The Colour of Magic, on the other hand is, frankly, quite bad, specially in the casting department, as the choices of actors impersonating some characters isn’t the bed, and they MURDERED Rincewind’s personality. I mean, Rincewind is a character who wouldn’t even think about suicide as he values his own life over EVERYTHING, yet they decided it would be “funny” to see him do that. In the first 10 minutes. That alone (and some other things along the way, like Twoflowers not being “asian-ish”) ruined that movie for me.
Personally I didn't enjoy Colour of Magic with David Jason and the hobbit fella. Perhaps if I hadn't read the books I might have found it entertaining. Jason, Rice and Astin are all good actors, but they didn't seem to be the best casting for this particular story. My kids never read the book and they enjoyed the film, but for me it was time I wish I could get back.
Pour ce qui est de rsync:
– "–delete" est l'option que tu cherches comme ça à déjà été dit. Par contre, le transfert se fait dans un certain ordre (alphabétique par défaut) qui fait que si tu ajoutes des fichiers non encore synchronisés, ils seront ajoutés (ou inversement supprimés) correctement. Mais pas si ils ont déjà été "parcourus". L'avantage de rsync là encore c'est qu'il suffit de le relancer et ça ne devrait prendre qu'une fraction du temps de la synchro initiale en fonction de la taille du fichier ajouté/supprimé.
– "–progress" est relativement inutile car il montre la progression sur l'/unique/ fichier en cours. Intéressant s'il est très gros mais pas tellement sinon.
– Par contre "–partial" permet de reprendre un transfert interrompu – au milieu d'un fichier. Très pratique là encore si tu transfères des fichiers très larges. Je me permets de dire ça parce que tu parlais de l'option "-P" qui signifie effectivement "–partial" et "–progress".
– Pour ce qui est de la propagation d'un fichier modifié, oui, il sera remplacé, que tu utilises "–delete" ou pas. Et je ne sais pas si tu demandais si on transférait l'ensemble du fichier à nouveau dans ce cas là, mais ce qui se passe c'est que toute la partie entre le début du fichier et la modification est conservée. La partie qui suit est transférée à nouveau. Donc ça dépend fortement de la nature de la modification.
Voilà! :-)
Note that with the rsync delete option whether things are actually deleted or not also depends on whether the source directory is specified with a trailing slash or not … if you have a trailing / or /* then it will not delete files on the target even if it should as they have been removed on the source.
If you Google for:
rsync not deleting
You should see some examples of this case.
Sorry if I’m a bit late to the rsync discussion. I use rsync -a –delete /source /destination
the -a is for archive mode which copies over newer files and any changes within existing files. This is equivalent to the commands -rlptgoD which includes permissions for group, user etc
–delete as you probably know now handles file deletions on the destination server so it matches the source.
Your mileage may vary as I mainly use rsync to backup to a removable hard drive however provided permissions are going to be the same it should be fine using this to copy files to another server.