Iinchou No Koibito (“Chairman’s Lover”) + the bonus sort-of prequel Iinchou No Aisatsu (“Chairman’s Introduction”) [English, 237 pictures, COMPLETE], by Shinogi A-Suke

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 18 comments
<3 <3 <3 <3

Iinchou No Koibito is a highly pleasant manga, made of a main story arc taking most of the manga, and single chapters around it :)

To put it simply, there are great teen drawings (with barely noticeable thin censorship), happy sex with love, a pleasant slightly tsundere note in the main arc :D There’s also a great number of occasions when I thought “haha, the male character fell right into the trap” ^^

I also added a bonus story called Iinchou No Aisatsu (“Chairman’s Lover”), a sort of bonus story to the main arc story in Iinchou No Aisatsu. Not really a prequel, how to say, it takes place shortly after the beginning of it. Another addition, I joined a few double-page split pictures.
Thanks a LOT to Yoroshii and Nik for this release, reading it felt very good ! :)

By the same artist, I also share Boku Joshikou Ni Nyuugaku Shimashita, Yuugen Onsen Kidan + Yuugen Futsuma Kidan, Ni No JijyouSister Play chapter 1, Prisoner, The Secret Garden and Unfitting Puzzle (Uncensored version).


I share 2 zips. First : the COMPLETE manga, at last ^_^ Second : the two final chapters, just freshly released, the only ones I wasn’t sharing yet. If you downloaded the chapters 1-7 when I last shared them, add the final chapters 8-9, and you’ll have a complete volume :)

The COMPLETE manga, + the bonus “Introduction” chapter

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(117 MB, 237 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

The final chapters 8-9,
with that you’ll have a complete volume if you previously downloaded the chapters 1-7 when I shared them, 3 months ago.

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(21 MB, 44 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative Zip Mirror

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13 years ago

Chairman's introduction is actually a prequel.

13 years ago

I meant that Chairman's introduction is actually a sequel. Derp

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
13 years ago
Reply to  yankee

I would not call that a prequel, as it takes place between pages 115-116. Thus, it is not a sequel either. It is more a sort of side chapter, as to say.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago

How about a midquel ? :D

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
13 years ago

It is perfect to me. I love neologisms.:)

13 years ago

thank you for the complete package Oliver and all :)

13 years ago

Thanks for the joined pages Oliver.

low budget perv
low budget perv
13 years ago

To Admin:
Is it possible to ask an No Captcha download link (Uploading, Megaupload or Uploadmirrors)?

I have problems with download links with captcha. before I used to download using depositfile but since they placed a captcha, I got no successful. wupload and filesonic have a 1/20 chance of downloading but since sometimes it disconnects, i'm just repeating the process. [I got slow internet connect and no budget for premium. hopefully you can grant my request]

PS: my download manager is jdownloader (always updated)

thank you for all your releases. I love how you release them since you always compile them into tanks or by authors. hope you last forever. thank you.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago

Sorry, I can't tell you that. Are you sure it would even work as a premium member ? Try this depositfiles code, maybe it will work, or maybe not…

low budget perv
low budget perv
13 years ago

I believe it was something to do with the captcha. since other download links give me the same problems but only depositfiles gives no success. i guess i'll have to try my luck with wupload and filesonic. i can download on these links but i have to retry several times. anyway, thank you for your releases.

13 years ago

Eh didn't I see a similar post before?
For depositfiles, try creating an account. It bypasses the captcha.

13 years ago

Simply, a great work. thanks ! :)

13 years ago

Really excellent! Thank you for this excellent volume Oliver! And much thanks to Yoroshii and Nik for the heavy lifting n' all.:D

13 years ago

Is the bonus page not really included in the tank itself?

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Sukiyaki

Nope. Magazine publication.

13 years ago

Is that Nagi from the "Kanngi: Crazy Shrine Maidens" anime on page 170??? I just love it when mangaka include a (non-hentai) nod to their fave anime/manga. Great hentai share BTW.

Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne
13 years ago

warm short storyline… I like it.

13 years ago

Help me out here, guys. What medium are you using to read these awesome works? I'm using a PSP, and while it's pretty convenient, the comic reader's kind of fuzzy. Is there a CBZ/CBR reader or neat image display app for phones out there?