The White Bud Of A Lust Flower chapter 1 [English], by Katsurai Yoshiaki (Also Known As Basutei Shower)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments
Tags: Mindbreak

So, the beautiful and mostly pure ojou-sama is blackmailed into being trained for sex (“OMG you kissed a boy, what a whore, want the pics sent to the press ? No ? OK, buttsex time !” :roll: ), with a weak dose of netorare and mindbreak. I wrote : a weak dose, nothing to make a drama out of it.

All in all, the drawings are right up my alley, hardcore and very well done, but the scenario is simply full of shit, so lame I don’t even feel like raging over it, I read it and quickly discared everything scenario-related. Will you love it, it’s up to you :o

By the same artist, I also share Himitsu Renai Soudan, Kenzaki’s Sexual Reasoning, Ko-Fun Shoujo, and a pack of 5 works (After Flowers, After School Obedience Coaching, Cla-Mc, Over Upper, and Sister Friend).
Thanks to Fuwafuwa for the release ! ^_^

For plenty more, see The list of Katsurai Yoshiaki’s works on Hentairules!

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13 years ago

Hard to like this story, and the chick is just retarded… put up with THAT kind of abuse rather than go to the police and have him arrested, or Daddy and have him killed? (That kind of Rich family must know a Yak or two.) For a kiss photo? Retarded. And fat old men are the final insult. I had to walk away, not because of the NTR present, and worse NTR pending in Ch. 2, but because it was just a stupid scenario. But thanks for the hard work you do Oliver. I'm sure somebody will like it, if only for the art.

13 years ago
Reply to  widowchaser

Aw I have to skip this one then. A bit over my hypocritical moral margin. Hope the artist make a more 'tame' scenario next time :)

13 years ago
Reply to  acolyte

in any case, i think with work Katsurai Yoshiaki, has definitely became a specialist of NTR or girl reduced to be raped and a sex slave. So I will pass on it. Thanks for the warning Oliver.^^

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  baka-man

Glad to read my descriptions are helpful :)

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  widowchaser

Yeah, and I gave warnings about the shitty storyline, so you have been warned ;)

13 years ago

translated by: fuwafuwaru

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  2Hip


13 years ago

Funny. I seen some of the other works from this artist. When the tries to make good scenarios, he succeeds very well at it.
Drawings are still good though, as you said.

13 years ago

rape? i bet she will ends up loving it.. hentai style!

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
13 years ago

Oh, what the hell.

13 years ago

what a shameful story!!!!
always bringing the same sing song, so boring…..very boring…….boriiiiiiiiiiing….boriiiiiiiiiing
whether the author can no longer creation again

11 years ago

On g.e-hentai you read the second part too, he visits her at home and is knocked out but he still loves her and gives a short speech and is then forced to see her giving herself (also her virginity) to the old guy whose brother is the principal, it ends with her being his slave.

I would as the time i next see her, take her with me and fuck her brains out while finding her pleasur spots and only release her AFTER I've made her mine again. Of course I would also tell everything to her father and tell him that i love her and would marry her and would want him to destroy the other 2 guys. When I'm done with her i would start even taking the other 2 so that they would feel the sense of getting something stolen (they wouldnt keep them if they werent important to them.