Merry new year, everyone ! :-)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 46 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

2011 has been a very eventful year for the world, and for as well, how about you all ?

I hope 2012 will be a bit quieter :)

I wish you all an excellent year 2012, keep on smiling even when it’s hard (it does affect your mood), remember to enjoy every enjoyable passing time, do your best for you and for the ones you love, and let’s enjoy 2012 ! :D


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Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago

A quieter year ?

You bet : the euro zone caught up by 40 years living in and on increasing debt and suddenly realizing we've got chokers around our necks, the arab countries in which dictators were overthrown possibly turning to islamism, the Africa and Middle-East countries in which there's civil war seeing no improvement, America risking to also lose its AAA and risking to turn to anti-science anti-environment pro-fundamentalism Republicans, the Earth's global warming steadily on the rise and left with an open path thanks to everyone's failure in Durban, Japan's government possibly finding harder to maintain lies about the Fukushima catastrophe and risking to soon enjoy to bask in a "china syndrome's" consequences, the fucked up Israel and Iran zone as of usual, etcetera, etcetera….

Fortunately, all isn't bad, there are countries doing well and not facing problems ^^

13 years ago

Je souhaite à tout le monde une bonne année 2012.

I wish everyone a happy new year 2012.

13 years ago

A Happy New Year to all! May we receive not merely what we wish for but what we truely need. And to all of us who enjoy this wonderful area of interest, from creators to readers, may there be a bountiful year of pleasure ahead of us. Cheers!:D

13 years ago

yerr baby making too much noise ?

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
13 years ago

Keep on smiling even when it’s hard?

Well, pervs like us smile especially when it's hard.:D

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago

Oh you.jpg :D

13 years ago

sooo, i'm guessing no shares for today,

otherwise thanks for the wonderful shares, and have a wonderful 2012
until 12

13 years ago

Yo wish for peace!
And cake!
And hentai!!! Peace yeah! Happy new year, bitches!

13 years ago

wow… guess i'm more drunk than i thought.^^

13 years ago

Samte goes for you, Oliver!
Happy new year!

I guess 2012 won't lost that long to enjoy though. :D

13 years ago

Happy New Year oliver!!!!

13 years ago

Happy New Year! Hopefully everything is going to be better this year. (I will ignore any pessimistic comments…)

Peace and good hentai to everyone!

13 years ago

Happy New Year! May the world become a better place for all of us.

13 years ago

Merry New Year Hentai Rules, Oliver and everyone :)

definitely missed alot since christmas day.

will be downloading tons for sure :P

13 years ago

happy new year to everyone in HR! had a great 2011 but i hope things will be better in 2012.. take care everyone! :)

13 years ago

There will be no better years. The nations of the world will slowly crumble. Hopefully America will next year. They deserve it

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
13 years ago
Reply to  Lordfly1

The anarchism without causes strikes back. Ridiculous, as usual!:(

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago


13 years ago

You're an idiot.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I am an idiot because I speak the truth? America is the most evil, despicable nation on the planet. EVERY other person despises Americans, including Oliver. He is just nice because American make up a large portion of his traffic and revenue here.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Lordfly1

You're going too far. And America is the country I'm bashing the most, open your eyes, lol.

Several things are bad with America, like the brand new NDAA law signed by "Lame Pussy" Obama (what, he signed, but says he's feeling awkward about it, is that an excuse, this law is the worst ever voted in America).

But America is still better than, well, let's say better than half of this planet's countries. They've got horrible traits, but also some good ones. And I'm not saying my country's doing better.

Putting aside their horrible traits, they still have admirable ideals. The fact they betray them on a hourly basis is a mark of hypocrisy, but having ideals is better than not having them.

How to say, I may love and trust individuals, but as soon as groups are involved, I become a fucking misanthrope. So me not loving America is not a scoop, you could make a long list of the countries and groups I don't love.

I may express my unliking to America more than for other countries for a few reasons

– american traffic : it's tempting to troll them, they're 40% of my visitors, I'd see no point in trolling a group representing 1% of my traffic :D

– bitter disappointment : I grew up with a vision of USA inherited from an "imprint" my country got after the second world war. Adjustment to reality is super painful, America has never been as its external image looked, and has strayed much, much farther from the ideals we had in mind before

– past-present opposition : when I argue with an American, he'll always end up telling me his folks died for my freedom. Admirable past, but THEY are the ones betraying the honourable deeds of their dead heroes, and the past doesn't forsake the present and the future.

– global impact : when Mexico or Hungary go wrong, basically, only Mexicans and Hungarians suffer. When America goes wrong, the whole planet is sprayed with flying shit. When Americans are too stubborn, it can have terrible global impact (global warming fighting never got out of the bush, partly because of them, on top of all, they were the first to fiercely oppose it and it marked the whole evolution of climate discussions.)

13 years ago

Again, you are being nice. Americans are sociopath, barbaric, evil people plain and simple. I'm not talking about the government, I am talking about every person(Who make up the nation). They are the cause of most of the world's problem, they are the largest exporters of terrorism, they are the cause of of global warming, the creators of the most destructive devices, and the largest consumer of resources without giving back.

And why do you have a favourable view of them from WWII? They were terrorists then too.

13 years ago
Reply to  Lordfly1

I might be a psycho, but i draw the line at sociopathy. I'm only barbaric when i skin small children and season them for dinner. I can neither confirm nor deny any reports on my evilness.

13 years ago
Reply to  Lordfly1


Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

<img src=>

13 years ago

Happy new year to everyone, especially the lurkers of and to you Oliver (hope you got that portal I wished you for christmas XD).
Certainly hoping to see a stabilizing year in 2012 after all the stuff that hit the fan this year, and also here's hoping 2012 is even more prolific hentai-wise, because at least talking about hentai ita was an awesome year.
Cheers and have a blast while partying.

13 years ago

Happy new Year to everyone ! :)

13 years ago

Happy New Year Tx for the great effort u made to share Mr. Oliver

Schuyler Thorpe
13 years ago

Happy New Year, Oliver! I hope the little one is feeling better!

13 years ago

Happy new year, Mr.Oliver! Hope you have a wonderful year.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Anime

I hope too, thanks :D

13 years ago

Happy new year

13 years ago

happy new years…. is what i would like to say but…. isnt this kinda weird saying happy new years on a porn site? o.o

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Of course not, why would it be weird in the first place ? True, we come first for the porn, but there's no reason why humans shouldn't interact with each other in humanly ways, so to say, and that also includes discussing about other stuff, and wishing stuff to other people…

13 years ago

Happy New Year despite all the problems!!! ^^

13 years ago

Happy new year to you and to all hentai community…

13 years ago

thx oliver i wish you, and all the pervert community a happy new year 2012

13 years ago

Happy new year to YOU, Oliver, and everyone else on HR also. I know WE could use a better year here also. With regards to smiling, I always keep a DVD of an old '60s comedy show I enjoy cued up in the player and on days when I'm particularly stressed I watch an episode during lunch. Besides affecting your mood there have been a number of clinical studies that prove laughter actually improves your health & well being. With that said, lets all have a HAPPY new year (is that possible?!??)!! ^o^

13 years ago

Bonne année et très bonne santé !

13 years ago

Happy New Year guys =P it was an awesome year

Tohno Akira
Tohno Akira
13 years ago

Happy new year everyone! I hope this new year will be very good, specially for you Oliver and for too! Half a year exactly I found your page and I never expected to find so many works of hentai manga and doujin, since I was looking in other places; for that I am very grateful to you. I only have one thing to ask you Oliver: will you keep an eye on the news releases of Ring X Mama by Manabe Johji? Thanks again and hapy new year!!!

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Tohno Akira

Yep, I'll keep an eye ^^

But for ecchi mangas (no genitalia, and policy to avoid having to represent their absense – as opposed to hentai mangas with white hole censorship), my policy is to wait until a complete volume is released. That's to explain the delay even when mangas are half-translated.

13 years ago

Happy New Year to all!

13 years ago

Happy New Year Oliver and visitors!
Here's to a good year for all of us! [And full of good hentai also]

P.S. Hey Oliver, I love the thumbs up (comments) button. Been using it more and more recently ;)

13 years ago

happy new year everyone
hope this new year goes well for everyone

13 years ago

oh yeah also… 100 years in 10 mins kinda interesting