Eichhornia [English], by Otsuka Kotora
Wincest =)
Credits and well-deserved thanks are for Pop9, Mahoro and Amaimono, from Amai Little Thing
(I share TONS of other works by this artist, Cf. The list of ALL his shares)
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Hot! But I think I'd have preferred the nee-chan to have a stronger personality. She's too passive given her introduction.
Thanks Pop9, Mahoro and Amaimono, and Oliver for the share~
Y'know, I was expecting a little more fire from her too… but that didn't prevent me from enjoying it. But you're right, a little more strength and balance between her and her brother might have added a little more spice. Thanks Oliver, Pop9, Mahoro & Amaimono for a good share!
such an in-depth description =)
Thanks to Mahoro, Pop9, Amaimono and Oliver for sharing here.
Nothing else needed to be said =)
Well she seemed anti-social from the intro so being passive later didn't bother me. Love Otsuka's work and thank you for these fine shares Oliver.
Otsuka Kotora works are my favorites =D; Thanks Oliver.
Not my kind of older sister-type, but what the hell.
Oh God! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Oliver!
Otsuka Kotora rocks
Sure does!!! *-*