Haramitai Kanojo [English, 206 pictures, BRILLIANT Re-edited version], by Nico Pun Nise
Excellent news ! Haramitai Kanojo, by Nico Pun Nise, is now available in CLEAN version, with good-looking scans, and better typesetting of the dialogues !
All that remains of my own version of the cleaned cover, and that’s for the best !
The typesetting change may not be noticed by everyone (me, it struck me that dialogues stopped overlapping outside of bubbles and had better antialiasing, for instance).
But the biggest and most awesome change is the picture quality.
Please (I insist : DO make the comparison !), please compare :
– the original version
– … my heavily retouched version, I didn’t do miracles but I did my best to “save what could be saved”
– … and … the newly released re-edited version by Nex
That’s a giant improvement, don’t you think ? :3
Really, thank you VERY much, Nex, that was nothing short of BRILLIANT ! I’m grateful !
And this is also why I love so much hentai, there’s a real community of geeks devoted persons ready to spend a lot of time doing great stuff for everyone
Haramitai Kanojo, with updated links, is available HERE, enjoy ! =)
Thank you very much (: – now i can finally read it! Before i could not look past the fact that even though you did what you could with what horrible quality the original was. It still look bad in your tweaked version! – Thanks a lot for sharing this… one question… did Nex use new raws or did he do it from the previous version? If he used the first version i would love to know how!
sweet, thx a lot Oliver… but
there is a posibility of a recompress version?
I support the "recompress version" option, too.
Now that you're speaking of it, it's true, it wouldn't hurt. I'll see what I can do.
thx u
Oliver, thanks a lot for this marvelous piece of work. However, while I was reading it again, I note that there is a small flaw in page 19: you see, one of the dialogue bubbles is empty, so if there's any way that you can contact the author and give him the appropiate warning, that would be great.
Thanks again, and a wonderful new year for you and your family.
Nex here (the person who re-edited this) and I see you're right. I've fixed it now and you can get the fixed page here http://g.e-hentai.org/s/0501b6f203/450292-19 you can download the full size page by clicking the download original link at the bottom of the page. If you see any more mistakes just let me know.
Thanks for the trouble, Nex. Have a great 2012.
"download original link". Dang, I wondered why my image was so small in comparison. I should have remembered that option, it's not the first time I browse e-h for heaven's sake !
Thanks Nex, and good noticing it, Alvaro
I have this one re-edited by, vindictae. I'm confused.
That's the name of my g.e-hentai account because I forgot the info for my Nex one
you mean one of my absolute favorite hentai mangaka of all time has launched a whole new manga and I didn't know about it?!
damn it, this post just made my day!! =D