Juicy chapter 6 [English, title “Shy Shy Girl”] + the Complete Japanese manga (189 pictures), by Cuvie
Howdy, how about a new tankoubon by Cuvie ? ^_^
Here is the 6th chapter (yeah, not the first, but let’s just enjoy what we’re given free of charge, right ? Right !) of Juicy, a delicious-looking manga full of teens having good sex, with Cuvie’s great art for realistic drawings and his refined style… and this time the drawings are natively uncensored, it seems, woot !
Happy sex, good feelings, enjoy the ride !
Besides just the chapter 6, I also share the COMPLETE Japanese version, if you’re curious.
My great thanks are for RottenPeanuts !
(For MUCH more stuff by this artist, cf. The List of My Shares by Cuvie)
I share 2 zips. First : the freshly translated chapter 6. Second : the complete Japanese version of that manga.
The chapter 6, newly translated
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(10 MB, 19 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
The complete Japanese version of Juicy
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(61 MB, 189 pictures, Japanese)
Or you can also use the Alternative Zip Mirror
Many thanx Oliver.
The link to RottenPeanuts site is broken, although it wasn't hard to figure out what the correct address was.
So there's no chapters 1-5 (not yet at least)? Or am I missing something…
Yep, you understood right, only the chapter 6 has been translated.
WHY Access denied
FreeNadia, what's your bug exactly ?
Cuvie…can’t remember what else I’ve seen by this artist. Thanks for the upload.