Fate Hollow Ataraxia hentai doujin [English] : Night Of The Princess, by Gachinko Shobou (aka Kobanya Koban)
One word : “wut ?” The story is something along the lines of “happy sex with love with a girl – Rider – dressed as a princess and treated as such – treated with a dick”. Except that something doesn’t make sense at all, I don’t know if it’s because there has been a huge ellipse, or else it’s a delusional scene, I have no idea o_O Maybe if I had played the game I could have told, but, heh, I have not ! |
So, duh, figure out what the heck’s going on for yourselves if it matters to you, me, I simply appreciated the simple “sex with love with a princess” scene, without asking myself too many questions
The drawings aren’t very good, more like average, I’ll forgive it because a princess with big boobs having happy sex (vaginal, DP) is worth a fap shot anyway
Credits are for Quilloasa, Phantom Renegade and Altereggo, from Team Vanilla and Trinity Translations Team, thank you to you three !
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Oh this is the scene from Fate/Hollow Atraxia where Rider, after you bang her "true" master wants to do you too and puts you (originally) in an illusion where your banging both her master and her in a threesome.
It's further implied it's Fate/Hollow Atraxia because she's wearing glasses which she only did in Fate/Hollow Atraxia
OK, OK, thanks guys, I'll make the update
Yes this is Fate/hollow ataraxia.
In Fate/stay night rider is only in her servant mode and not much backstory.
If there's a Fate doujin involving Rider in normal clothes and with glasses, it's most likely a Fate/hollow ataraxia doujin. (I actually never played it – I just looked @ HCG, doujins, and wikipedia :s)
OK 1 question that bugs me – anyone else felt weird about the 'Medusa Emiya' thing? Emiya is his given name not his family name right? What the heck does 'Medusa Emiya' mean..
Thanks Quilloasa, Phantom Renegade, Altereggo, and Oliver for the share.
Uhh… no, Shirou is his given name.
Haha thanks I tripped myself up – I forgot his given name is Shirou.. I kept thinking his given name is Emiya for some reason.. (maybe because I keep reading 'Emiya Shirou' in some works and the first thing that popped up in my mind was that his first name is Emiya)
EDIT: O.o I can't edit posts that has been replied to? interesting.
I think Medusa Emiya refers to Rider, as her true identity is the Gorgon Medusa. So if she's wed to Shirou…
*viewing comments, taking notes* No idea how FSN works, just seen it’s many parodies. Thanks for the upload.