Hamipai [English, 200 pictures], by Aiken
This manga is a compilation of short stories, there is no global theme, save for the “happy sex with mutual liking or even love” part. The girls appear to be of ages from 16 to 30, most of them high schoolers but also teachers or maids, sometimes losing their virginity, sometimes already experienced, most of the time with big tits but not always, most of the time just cuni + oral + vaginal but then there’s also a DP chapter, less than half of it is incest…
It’s hard to describe correctly, in fact ^^
If the relatively crude and barely censored drawing style (reminding me of Warashibe, check it out, I share good stuff by this artist on Hentairules) pleases you, I say, go for it !
Thanks a lot to Saha for this release !
(Just a note.. The puppet show… LOL ! :lol:)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(80 MB, 200 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Thanks Oliver, this is a nice, long collection. Also, thanks a lot to Saha for his efforts.
same here.
too bad megaupload just shutdown..
<a href="http://www.hentairules.net/gal/re.php?redir=http://img158.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=76136_hamipai _www.hentairules.net_102_123_92lo.jpg” target=”_blank”>http://www.hentairules.net/gal/re.php?redir=http:…” target=”_blank”>_www.hentairules.net_102_123_92lo.jpg
I found it weird that her pussy is already below her tummy.
Hu hu hu, nice catch ^^
The image, since the comment system ate it away when you posted a too complicated link
(sorry about that, I don't know why) http://j.mp/w3aTHm
Finnally! After almost 1½ year, having thoroughly downloading every post with rating >4, I am back at the first post. Thank you Oliver for making this site the 3rd most visited site on my computer.
Well, congratulations on the achievement
The coupon code for depositfiles seems to have expired Oliver
Oops, you're right, it expired today, nice catch ! Updated
Thank you !
Nice. Used it for my next yearly subsciption to depositfiles
Wow everything was big and bulbous in this one, full of action. Thanks for the upload.
full of boosoms and delicious tits O____O