Yamato No Ki ni Naru Danna-sama (“Under Yamato’s Care”) [English, Uncensored version!], by Kazuma Muramasa
This share’s main female character is an adorable ojou-sama, displaying the level of self-confidence and lack of doubts about her actions only the wealthiest ojou-sama with the finest upbringing could display
In the beginning, she accidentally wounds a highschool classmate, and as an apology, all day, she’ll be her devoted (and ridiculously extravagant) maid. On school grounds. With her army of maids. And her chefs. Oh, I love comedy like that
In the end of the day, she finally does what everyone was hoping for, naturally. And let me tell you, the drawings are excellent, cute, well done, and to make it even better, thanks to Teddy Bear, this is now uncensored ^___^
We owe this excellent release to Sling and Masamune, and to TeddyBear, thank you very much!!
By the same artist, I also share Lightning Warrior Raidy – Evil Purifying Lightning (214 pictures), Miracle Sweet Magical Fragrance, Kiai O Irero, Naughty Lazy Chemical Shiki-nyan and a pack of 3 works (Anata Wa Kyou No Ban Gohan + Friend’s Girlfriend + Rukino VS Kei-niichan).
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(10 MB, 25 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
That display pic did its job well. I'm taking this, thanks Oliver!
Awesome doujin. Thanks for the share. Is there any other works by this artist as well?
P.S – Can you also recommend good doujins with maids and vanilla?
Other works by this artist can be found here: http://www.hentairules.net/2011/06/24/pack-of-3-h…
As for other vanilla stuff with maids, there are too many to list all of them here, but I will start you off with one of the best: http://www.hentairules.net/2010/04/02/maid-bride-…
Haaaaaaaaaaaa ! So there were more, was it my typo that wouldn't let me find it ?
Dummy, I'll fix it tomorrow, thank you very much Zathael
awesome T.T
Thanks, terima kasih, domo arigato, xiexie to Sling and Masamune, for the translation, and Oliver for the share ^_^
One of the best maids in recent memory. Thanks a lot to Sling and Masamune for this, and thanks Oliver for sharing it. I spotted one little mistake though, the author's name should be Muramasa, not Murasama.
the story is completely ridiculous, and yet I love this work. Thanks !
Ridiculous? Cute's not even enough of a word to describe it~
And Oliver for the share!
Thanks Sling & Masamune
[ugh.. too tired from work these days.. Haven't been thanking as often as I should..]
el autor es muramasa, no murasama
Page 24, remember kids, see what you hit!
Proper tackling form prevents injuries.