BIG pack of 11 Angel’s Stroke volumes, by the hentai artist AXZ [English, 311 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 13 comments
Good pencil art, in the latest volumes

Haaa, Angel’s Stroke.
I was getting real late in sharing the Angel’s Stroke volumes, but at last, here’s a new big pack :D

Either you hate it, either you really dig it.
It’s hard to describe, you’d better refer to the preview pics at the bottom of this post, scroll down, there are lots of pictures to help making yourself an opinion :)

– To be clear, to this day, I was already sharing Angel’s Stroke volumes 06, 09, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25, 27, 38 , 39 , 36 , 40 , 44 , 48 , 49 and 50. These other volumes are sahred on those 3 pages (I updated their links, all are now live !) : here, there, and there.
– The new volumes I’m sharing here, I hope I didn’t miss other translated ones, are : vol. 10, 13 , 22, 33, 41, 46, 51, 52, 53, 56 and 59.

Credits and thanks are for Biribiri, Afro Thunda, Omega999, Tsuine, Raikoh, Hei & Yin, and probably others whose credits I must have missed :jap: The parodiated anime are : Nanoha, Birty The Mighty, Highschool Of The Dead (HOTD), Ga-Rei, Evangelion, Infinite Stratos, Kamisama Dolls, and K-On.

The stories can be happy sex with mutual liking, happy totally braindead sex, hentai rape, or a mix of all 3. Don’t expect a griping scenario at any point, let’s say, nor expect the girls to display strong self-esteem. The sex is nothing out of the norm : oral, vaginal, titty, occasional ahegao. The earlier volumes have ugly gray shades and awkward drawings, however, halfway, the drawings change for the best (main artist change, good riddance, wheee), with pencil drawings, better shades, much better faces, better drawings of the body volumes too.

(Scroll down for more preview pics !)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(165 MB, 311 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

hey oliver… DF is down for an upgrade. might wanna change it when it gets effed up

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Someone

Don't panic, they regularly do that :)
DF is the file host I trust the most.

12 years ago

you got lucky sopa got stopped for the moment. or we'd all be without filesharing for a while

12 years ago
Reply to  Reix

…You realize if SOPA passed, you wouldn't even be able to connect to this website, right?

Let alone all of the websites the translators release the content on originally.

12 years ago

Awesome. Many thanx Oliver.

12 years ago

For the sake of clarity AXZ is the circle featuring several artists, the godly pencil drawing artist featured in great majority of these doujins (and in your preview picture) is called Kutani. The Nanoha and Birdy the mighty doujins are done by different artist

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Dynellen

Thanks for the name, I had no idea :)

I didn't enter into details within the post itself about the doujin circle idea, basically, I'm assuming those who know that circles gather several artists don't need my precision, while those who don't know it either understood themselves, or else just don't give a fuck ;)

12 years ago

Angels stroke is AMAZING. And AXZ is probably my favorite artist. ^^

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Haa, glad that pack made someone's day :)

12 years ago

umm is this doujin a continual stories?? where can I find the earlier volume? like chapter 1… thanks

12 years ago

Go team super nipples. They break into enemy strongholds by applying ice to their nipples and cutting out the glass when erect. Girls can put an eye out with those things.

Thanks for the upload.

12 years ago

another one that i've been meaning to get O___O

really love how all of this are in the "Big Manga" tags!!

really appreciate it Oliver ^^

11 years ago

AXZ has some of the best hentai ever, when the girls are not being gang-raped or NTR'd