Dere Nochi Torare [English,Uncensored, 206 pictures, Complete], by Carn

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 20 comments

All in all, that was a good manga :)

Manly talk with the Typical Hentai Hero Who Has Had His Switch Turned On : « What are we gonna do, if I get pregnant ? » – « I don’t give a shit. Get pregnant. » :lol:

There are various sub-stories and sub-genres in Dere Nochi Torare. Girls gladly enjoying the moments when a male friend turns to a wild beast (cf above quotation.) Childhood friends happy sex with love. Half-baked mindbreak. Chick so stupid she fucks any available penis.
If you need good scenario lines, ouch. Otherwise, if arousing drawings of well-endowed teens having powerful sex (oral, vaginal, rare anal/DP) are able to put you off, go for it ! :D

My great thanks are for Faytear, Brolen, Gio, Highlow88, and Psyburn21. Sharing Dere Nochi Torare also saddens me, since Faytear, who worked a lot on this, announced today he’s finally retiring from the hentai scene. He has other things to do with his life, I wish him the best of life ! Faytear did a lot to provide goodness for everyone, I do hope he will be repaid back dozens times in his future times, so long, Faytear, so long :)
The decensoring is MonMon19 and Catalan Dragon’s work, great job too !

Hey, remember to check the list of ALL Carn’s works on Hentairules!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(127 MB, 206 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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13 years ago

Thanks for the share, as always.

Oliver, exciting news: a new Umemaro 3D is coming out the 14th! Be on the lookout for it!

13 years ago

Yay one of my favorite artists !
Thanks :)

13 years ago

is there a way to use media fire because 2 of the 4 links dont work for me and one says that it has exceeded max dl limit

13 years ago

That's odd, it says Seishun Crouching was released as a single shot and this share contains the better edited one, but I don't see that chapter in the galleries, is it just me? Also, thank you Oliver for today's shares and descriptions.

13 years ago
Reply to  hoccus

Seishun Crouching wasn't part of that tank, its part of the next one Otomedori which I plan to finish in the future.

13 years ago
Reply to  psyburn21

Oh ok, thanks for that, damn you Oliver saying it was part of this manga LOL, drove me crazy, kept looking at the galleries over and over looking for it because if this one had contained that one shot, I could dl this and delete the single shot one.

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
13 years ago

Well, this is somewhat better than some other of his works.

13 years ago
Reply to  Seishiro Haga

I completely agree with you. Because all the work he did after this book is about NTR,… T_T

13 years ago

Thanx for share, man! you´re the best!

13 years ago

i really like this one. thanks!

13 years ago

5 tales in this tankoubon, were decensored by MonMon19.

But only 4 are included in here. The 5th one "Higawari Milk Seieki" was translated by, Saghurim. And because that. It's not in this fully translated by Brolen, version.

13 years ago
Reply to  2Hip

I made the call to use all of Brolen's translations in the release of this tank. If anyone knows of someone that would be willing to decensor the four remaining chapters, that would be great.

13 years ago

lovely :D

12 years ago

Carn, you are a god. Oh, and the main girl from chapter 1 of this book NTR the guy in Otomedori. Well, kinda. She was raped and she at least felt bad about it. Its fair though, consdering he’s screwing half a dozen girls anyways.

BTW, Otomedori is getting an anime adaptation. YES!!!!!!

12 years ago
Reply to  wii

It was rape at first then NTR she said she had something to do at the end. Remember the panties?

12 years ago

hey something happened i couldn't read it and it's a different manga

12 years ago

Oliver would you mind using Bitshare? A few of these filehosts somehow never work for me.

12 years ago

i think you up wrong number page….why is this page <a href=" _www.hentairules.net_206_122_596lo.jpg” target=”_blank”>…” target=”_blank”>_www.hentairules.net_206_122_596lo.jpg in the end? and two page before it too

12 years ago

because the link of picture don't appear so i mean it's last the picture in gallery

12 years ago

damn those file host always give me hard time:'(