Mini-pack of two works by the hentai artist E-Musu Aki [English] : Love Hip + Shiina’s Favoritism
Brought to us by Ryuu No Tamashii (thank you !), here are 2 very pleasant short & full-color hentai works : Love Hip (a girl with a delicious face, a nanoskirt and what an ass ), and Shiina’s Favoritism (tame femdom, blonde + brune + male servant). There’s no scenario, it’s just about enjoying the art and the sex. If you feel you dig this, if the magazine-type blur censorship is OK with you, well, have fun downloading By E-Musu Aki, I also share Young Wife Liberation Zone (196 pictures, hot drawings, annoying stories), Mononoke Acme chapters 1 & 11 (decent), and Melty Body (200 pictures, a tiny little bit less excellent excellent art, but more interesting stories) |
By E-Musu Aki, to this day, I also share Let’s Make Love Girl (203 pictures), Mononoke Acme (208 pictures), Melty Body (200 pictures), Young Wife Liberation Zone (196 pictures), Torokeru Asobi (“Melty Play”) (223 pictures), An Immoral Sister, Virgin Alliance, Inaka Wa Suru Koto Ga Nai, the hilarious Tennen Ryoubo Tsukiko-san, Satogaeri and Togawa.
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(10 MB, 19 pictures, English)
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Full-color O_o Nice ass xD Thank you very much Oliver.
Plump… juicy ass…*nosebleed*
fantastic. i don't see much of this author, but he's really good. thanks!
*reading comments* Ass can't be that good. *views preview pics* Oh, yes, *wiping slobber from chin* Upon further inspection I concur with the fine gentlemen(I use the term loosely) of the comment board.
Thanks for the upload.
Great share, thanks Oliver!
An interesting easter-egg I noticed in Love Hip is that her hairpin, the one shaped like a bunny rabbit, keeps changing appearance to match what she is feeling =) (Also it looks just like the one worn by Himeji in Baka to Test, if anybody else watches that)