Fate Stay Night Hallow Ataraxia (well, one of these at least :D ) hentai doujinshi [English] : Kibisis, by Nao Kokonoki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 13 comments
Tags: glasses
I apologize to be sucking that much at understanding the Fate story lines :D

Since I never watched or played Fate, Fate Stay Night, Fate Hallow Ataraxia, and worse than that I never understand when good souls try to explain it to me, I can proudly tell I didn’t understand anything in the present doujinshi, I’m not even sure if the main female protagonist (the other twos, Rin and Sakura, only get quick fuck shots) is called Medusa or Rider :D

No, what really matters, is that we’ve got a hot adult megane having good sex with the man she loves, basically ;)

As for the ending… it bites, awesome, I laughed really hard :lol: (I made a bonus pic about it, but you’ll have to wait till you finish the doujinshi to open it, OK ? The link is at the bottom of the present post.)
Thanks to Saha and Omega999 for this release :)

(For MORE stuff by this artist, Cf. The List of Nao Kokonoki’s Works on HentaiRules…)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(15 MB, 26 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

I made a small bonus picture, a simple picture extraction, of a scene that should be unforgettable :D However, SPOILER WARNING, please do NOT open that link to the picture if you haven’t finished the doujin, okay ?

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12 years ago

I'd say throwing them all together for the title is the best way to describe it. Each of the three series shares most of the same characters and I think they all share about the same basic plot points of the war for the holy grail (Ive only seen fate stay night, fate stay zero, and infinate blade works, but I've seen synopses of the others).


Cold Star
Cold Star
12 years ago

Ah Mr. Admin all you need to know about Fate is that the creator of the series has made it so that semen has mana (AKA magical energy), and sex between two magic practitioners allows them to transfer mana to each other that way. It's generic but fun :)

And a bit of trivia but heroic spirits (the one with the glasses and purple hair) can't get pregnant as far as I know…

12 years ago

translated by: Sayo

12 years ago

I will make a clarification that should help, Rider is Medusa, Rider is like her Class and medusa is who she is. (They like to keep their identity secret)

For Example, King Arthur->Swordsman->Saber

12 years ago

Oliver – a quick rule of thumb of Rider:
– If she's wearing a blindfold and skimpy clothes, it's fate/stay night
– If she's wearing glasses, and possibly proper clothing (long skirt, proper top) it's fate/hollow ataraxia
But yeah, quite a number of doujins of her just because of how hot she is.
And a quick summary of Rider Medusa's role in the story:
– Fate/stay night – she was an enemy of MC who's abused by her contractor (or owner..)
– Fate/hollow ataraxia – a slight romantic tendency towards MC – which is pushed further in doujins

12 years ago

Disclaimer: never played the game for either – just watched fate/stay night. My knowledge of fate/hollow ataraxia is from my online research of forums and wikis :p
[yaaa my post is in the spam queue again~ whee~]

12 years ago

Glad to see another doujin with rider, out of all the girls she's my favorite, maybe because of the long hair, and yeah I wouldn't like to be Shiro in that last panel.
Thanks Oliver for the awesome doujin and thanks to Sayo for the share.

12 years ago

So it's with Shirou… you almost had me freaked out there.

Nice share of Nao Kokonoki, one of my fave.

12 years ago

You didn't credit SaHa for this. :|

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  alejandro

Look, I may forget from times to times, sorry ^^

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  alejandro

I'm forgetting my manners : but thank you for the reminder, I'll add it now :)

12 years ago

ROFL, they used his dick like a chew-toy. Just the way they presented it was funny.

Thanks for the upload.

agent smith
agent smith
10 years ago

All links are down, pls reupload, thank you