Mini-pack of 2 works by Gunma Kisaragi [English] : Ichijou Mai + Kokuhaku Heat Up
Thanks to Yoroshii and Mathieu, we now have a new translated work by Gunma Kisaragi, Ichijou Mai
Ichijou mai is like a first draft to what will eventually become Mai Favorite. Be warned, the picture resolution is damn small and the contents are only barely average, this is no great shakes frankly.
I also added to this Kokuhaku Heat Up (kindly released by Koro, Laureanne, Kiro, Lori and Rawy from it struck me that this short full-color Gunma set had not gotten his own share, so far I was only sharing it inside my massive Full Color Pack of the beginning of March. I’ll delicately highlight that this one is NOT a rewrite despite the English spoken inside.
I share much more stuff by this genius, Cf
My (most of the time, but not always ^^;;) updated list of all his works
And my Gunma Kisaragi TOTAL PACK !
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(5 MB, 25 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Yes, thanks to Mathieu. A member of my scanlation team who requested this translation. Now, we can use this for a french version.
Ça trainait depuis longtemps sur le net, je vais enfin pourvoir m'y mettre. Je vais t'apprendre un truc, Oliver, mais pour Kokuhaku Heat up, c'est traduit depuis notre version française. Pour ce one-shot, on avait eu la chance de se faire prêter un traducteur Japonais->Français. C'est évident quand je lis leur traduction et quand je vois leur page de crédits qui est une reprise de la nôtre.