Oh, you guys
The infuriated emails I get and the comments I read are totally making my day – just saying
Thanks to those of you who appreciated it, thanks to those of you who insulted me by email ( <3 ), and if you want to spread the link to hentairules’ joke on reddit or any other popular place, feel free, free promo is always welcome
UPDATE : and so it ends, at the count of 176 comments, mostly appreciative, wow ^_^
For loving memory, in case you missed it :
And that as the image itself, inserted using l33t techniques (table, tr, td, img src).
One final embarrassing note : PLEASE, any chance you spread the word that Hentairules.net is NOT dead, and this is still available at the same place ?
Otherwise I think it will take a certain time to regain the previous visitor stats, lol
Oliver you scared the shit out of me…lol
ditto… then i laughed
Yep, definitely a good one! haha I totally said dammit, there goes another great one =(
i was like O.O OMG its suck for my life! no hentairules, seriously?! xD
thats what i said then i noticed that it said anti-fapping and did a quick google search but it really wasn't needed
1° April ….
Chuck Norris Bless You ….
lmao! Oliver you're one G of a troll! Got me good..again!
… i seriously thought site went off but then i saw ' fbi anti fapping'…
me too, i thought i lost my number 1 site, but then got suspicious when i read that "FBI Anti Fapping" wth??? then i realize, its April 1, lol
Absolutely brilliant. It is one of these rare occasions in which LOL is the most accurate description of the situation.
HOLY FUCK I think I just had a small heart attack!
Dear god… I leave for two days and BAM. Then I read it and lol'ed…
Well played, Oliver, well played.
I had seriously almost set out a very detailed and very angry letter I was planning to write to the FBI, but then I saw the whole thing and I started laughing.
You got me there.
Well done.
I was so scared, then I remember that's 01-04 from one hour here so I figured…nice job Oliver, lol.
Sorry Oli I saw through it asap, it is the 1st of april after all^^
Nicely done though. xDD
Very well played, sir.
First: 10 sec rage.
Then: Relief
i was at first like WTF but after the 'scroll down' thingie couldnt stop laughing GOOD JOKE keep it up it was awesome xD
God damn it, Oliver. Totally got me B)
If ya havn't seen my other post yet. Then here it is again, just in case.
The tankoubons… are here !!!!!!!!!!!!
Link: http://pant.su/
Interesting page. I'll look at it with special attention.
It's not funny at all!
I was like WTFF………
… FBI anti-fapping warning?!
best aprils fool prank ever ^^
Chapeau, j'y ai presque cru =]
Damn it sir, you got me for a second here. I thought you are gone for good… and suddenly i can scroll down.
oliver i want to hit you man….. my heart jumped a good 5 meters up and almost fell out of my moth !!
Too bad my monitor rules. With my resolution of 2560×1440, I spotted the bottom banner before I even noticed the FBI warning. What followed was 5 seconds trying to decipher why that white area was above the normal website. Actually thought it was some form of ad injection…
Then I saw the comments and realized it's AFD today.
Ah well, good try.
you got me….that was truly awesome!
you really got me there man, aw geez i was really shocked up there…
Omg.;.. I'm from california and it's still march 31st… i thought this was for real ;/
Oh god… i had heartattack… but then i read Anti-Fapping…. and i remebered it’s April 1st… so i sighted and scrolled down
I read §1337 … and then I checked the date. Nice work hiding your crack in the legalese
nice one oliver but already see that coming:p
c’était le poisson d'avril, pas mal.Good joke for the first april, good fish ^^
Oliver! u just stop my heart when i saw those 3 symbols. Shit!
but then i realized its a troll after reading the 'FBI-Hentai fapping' thing. WTF? is that really exist?
One of the best April Fool's jokes I've seen so far.
I was worried a bit then i noticed the scrollbar on right of my screen.
I think the the joke worked more if the pic was more of a link instead. More heart attacks and boner kills. Yeah!
BTW, this prank's so awesome, I'm gonna share it.
Did you made that warning Oliver? I'm saving it for later use just cause it's awesome
really really well done. best April joke I saw today;)
I came thru the link @H911, the silence there was worrying me already.
and then, *BANG*.
too bad your chat window doesn't work for me (thru proxy, and not on Windows)
been a long time I wanted to say "Thank you!"
I came to the site just to see what today's joke would be
be the timer was just slightly too short for me to fully read without a reload ^^
That "FBI anti-fapping warning" was just hilarious.
nice try, oliver. I know your servers aren't in the US >:)
Wow !!! Tu m'as foutu les boules xD j'ai failli crier NAN !!!!!!!!!! ^^ Bien jouer pour la blague je me suis fais avoir ; )
God damnit, you got me so hard
It would have been less evil if it was actually april first in mt city.
dude.. this makes me laughs so hard at the office.. hell yeah. this april fools shit is so outrageous! haha
I knew you were shitting us to begin with when I saw that FBI anti-fapping warning :<
I-I just didn't know how to get to your site until the gif started asking me to scroll down the page :_;
I knew it was fake when the top of my window still said "Howdy, HurpDurp"
Oh you….
At least it'll be over soon, but us Americans have this whole shit to deal with tomorrow. Oh and Wrestlemania
Great troll man ^^ loved it. -dafuqdidijustread.jpg- was my face when i was reading the "crimes". Free porn!? Corruption of youth!? ANTI FAPPING WARNING!? xD made my day
Oh yeah the Free porn bit was the first thing that gave it away for me. I thought: "Now they are going to shut down 1/3 of the internet? Wait that cant be right. What day is it?"
My heart skipped a beat for a second :X
I said wtf!! Until I read it. Funny.
damn Oliver that was a good try I will admit. But the "anti-fapping" banner was a dead give away! Glad to see you're enjoying yourself though ^_^
April Fool’s, motherfuckers!
Even tho it’s still March 31 here in the US.
It took me a minute to relize that it was a joke
my first thought was well that sucks, then i started reading the charges and noticed it said anti FAPPING
took a look at the date and relized what was up
of course for me its a day early but that just means that your in a different timezone
lol thought i was only one getting fooled. I thought my beloved hentai website was gone for a minute.
Holy, scare the crap out of me. I was like "Noooooooooo what the hell did they do to my favorite site, damn bastard". Good thing I went back to check the site again, it only the 31st in the U.S. though.
Oliver… you almost made me cry like a little girl screaming: WHYYYY GOD, WHYYY!
lol promotion of incest.
fooled me there for a minute. Best 04/01 joke that I've seen today
OMG i shat some huge bricks D: