Your attention, please, if you’re a netizen, even more if you’re an American citizen, once again, WAKE THE HELL UP AND MAKE AS MUCH NOICE AS YOU BLOODY CAN ! >_<
If you thought having the Obama governemnt fall back about SOPA and PIPA was a decisive victory, you were wrong from the very beginning. Face it, guys, until you take the initiative, you’ll be fighting an unending battle.
Let’s keep it short, you’re welcome to rage and yell in real life, please :
– The Obama government is trying to bring SOPA back in action, cf this and that
– New law giving agencies freedom to breach into all of your privacy regarding what you do online, and freedom of the agencies intercepting that information to share their harvest with any other organization they wish, cf that page, this is not voted yet but the vote is SOON
– Freedom for companies to monitor your online activities and liberally censor websites, cf that page, this is not voted yet but the vote is SOON
They really never learn, do they ? That’s normal, “you” never take the initiative. At war, this never ends in victory.
@ American citizens, it so happens that your country is at the heart of the shit, you may also see it as a priviledge, a chance to straighten the future…
Redditors, ready, CHAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE !
And you know what's enraging me ? This is fucking OBAMA's presidency. If it were the republicans, those morons from the 16th century opposed to science, to women's rights and placing selfishness and mental thickness above all mutual caring and moral values, it would be even worse… How can such a nightmare be true ?
(Actually, I can imagine how that shit can be true, there are SO many reasons, the latest one being your crazy Supreme Court allowing companies to
buybribesponsor elections without financial limits -_- You Americans should plant bananas all over the country, for what your poor – I'm sincerely pitying – Republic is becomingBecause in the end politicians only care about money. Both parties are owned by corporations. Do you not realize this? The ONLY way to truly stop this would be a forceful overthrow of the government.
funny you should say that when we didn't have all this internet fuss when Bush was president
The sooner you learn that it doesn't matter what party is in power, the outcome will be the same, the better.
ok sorry to piss on the parade there is aload of issues with all the stuff u have written… first of all sopa was never truley gone it was shelved not chucked out that means it was put on hold. When reading news articels you should read the articel carefuly not just go well they stopped talking about sopa so they must of got rid of it. 2. the new sopa doesn`t have a hr or s number or any other kind of identification so before you sign a petion you should sit down and take the time to read the bill which is made impossible on the petion you linked making it very very supcious in my view. 3. you link infowars which is a known conspercy website lead by kown crazy alex jones who belives in the nwo tring to poison humanity once again not a good source… lets move on the thing that jones website does is actually give the bills name and hr number. 4. Open and read the bill it quite clearly actually says the very oppisite of what u think it says… there is atleast 4 provisions stoping private enterties gaining anything…. the law is about information gathering for the goverment which btw i don`t disagree with. You do know we are still fighting wars right? and you do know there are bad people out there who wanna hurt other humans? sorry but the blanket statments made here and else where without reading the bills or understanding them jutm akes me incredibly angry I am gonna post links to the bill (opencongress link: ) and while you are at it you might wanna read up on the OPEN ACT which is actually a bill that will effect internet power and esspecialy people like you (link: ) all in all i think the internet often goes full on retard with these laws and even goes for misinformation campaignes like with acta (terrible law yes but diffrent to what people painted it as) I will be doing a video in the furture on my yt channel if people are intressted i will gladly post a link to the video where i talk about thw laws
As Gore Vidal said, don't hope to find many differences between Democrats and Republicans, as that would be naïveté. The United States are a one-party system, divided in two wings that alternate in each eight years – and sometimes they even avoid that work.
I don’t think it’s Obama’s fault mate, most of the lawmakers and congressman are republicans.
Not in the US. They only control the house. The dems control the senate and the presidency though you wouldn't know that when it comes to the internet since they both act the same way towards it.
Damn you, fucking government! Instead of worrying about the internet, you should worry about stuff that can save lives, like getting troops out of the Middle East or fixing the damn economy, you stupid polticians! They're just pulling this shit to make a name for themselves, further their careers, and to get back some support from stupid people that worry about the internet, those dipshits! You dare take away my hentai and there will be riots in the streets, damn it! Time to call my buddies and start fighting back. A FREE INTERNET FTW!!!
P.S. Oliver, thanks for the links. Went to every single one and I either signed up or shared them on facebook. We've got to spread the word of this tyranny!
Sorry Oliver, but our Government (The U.S. Government) has been captured by the wealthy and corporations. We'll try our best to fight, but the money has been winning out as of late.
"As of late"? I was under the assumption it's been like that since 1776.
While the rich have had a larger say in the government, today it's becoming more just the ultra rich (top 0.1% of the income)
Not since 1776… Corporations were limited time entities up until around the Reconstruction (I do beleive… maybe the turn of the century). They have been buying their rights (and taking ours away) since then, just at a slow pace. The pace was accelerated around 1979. Since then its been a bullet train to hell. Deregulation is just the tip… of a giagantic spear that does not even end with the utter BS of the Citizens United decision.
This is what we get for allowing ourselves to be suckered into accepting a military police-state society…
People were really afraid after 9/11 and stayed mad about it for years. It made it easy for the government to become that police-state society. Sucks that it happened though.
You think that's bad. Check this out
A new bill making its way through Congress could allow the federal government to prevent Americans who owe back taxes from leaving the country.
This is not about Democrat or Republicans, so stop bashing either party… Obama is the president, and he pushes for those laws.
[i]- New law giving agencies freedom to breach into all of your privacy regarding what you do online, and freedom of the agencies intercepting that information to share their harvest with any other organization they wish, cf that page, this is not voted yet but the vote is SOON[/i]
FBI and CIA do not need permission to track your trace in the internet…
[i]- Freedom for companies to monitor your online activities and liberally censor websites[/i]
Facebook and Google are tracking you every time you visit their websites, they do not need Congress to pass a law to allow them to do so…
Well, I think congress should focus on deport those people who are here illegally and strengthen our border security, lessen dependent on oil instead of making these laws.
You're a Republican, aren't ya?
Well anywho, politics (in particular politicians themselves) in general suck anyway.
SOPA and PIPA are not Obama's ideas people! This idea came from the mind of Lamar S. Smith (R-TX)!
And they're voted in by our bloody Congress. Sure Obama, or any other sitting President, can veto a passed bill like this if he has the cajones to but it's not difficult to override a veto.
As a American, it feels pointless to struggle now. No matter how my petitions I sign or letters I write to my representative, these awful ass laws will be passed because the entertainment industry makes sure of it.
No matter how many*
Just wait for the oil to run out and grab your gun, the second american revolution will be underway in no time.
well americans are fucking morons, why do you think obama (the biggest fucking asshole on the planet) got elected for president in the first place.
Because it's not the popular vote that counts? I mean, it was Obama or Old Man River, which one do you think would be chosen?
Either way, it's the same no matter where you are in the world: The government tries to get its claws on everything. So yeah, fuck you Mr. Superiority who doesn't know jack-shit about our country.
More like it was Obama or Old Man River with Ditzy Hockey Mom as Vice Prez. Choosing Old Man River and having the chance of him dying with her taking over scared a LOT of us.
What's up with United Statians
Ignorance, complacency, and religion… not particularly in that order.
*Sigh* when will our government learn that they can't control something as wild as the internet. If by some miracle this piece of shit bill actually passed, there would be riots in the streets on Washington, and cyber attacks would raise to an all new high.
It's like the Prohibition era, and you know just how well the government was able to control THAT. Dumb-fucks…
what the heck…
no more freedom…
my whole life is fucking lie???
So our choice is Ron Paul? Ron Paul can solve this problem when he gets elected for president of USA (Im very worried that most people dont understand why they vote Mitt Romney).
My question is: what the fuck is going on in this world?
All the government around the world, are destroying our life and the way of freedom. This also happens to China. They only thing they have done, is to censor all the extirior web sites ( except chinsse web sites ).
A lack of vision, paranoid isolationists competeing on a global scale for diminshing resources, megalomanics in the highest offices of the world, and too many damn people…
sigh….. Go figure!!!
"redditors"? What the fuck? As if those faggots could to anything about it.
in my honest humble opinion, signing papers will not stop this, voting against it will not stop it, petitions and letters of complaint cannot a stop this.
for any one like myself who was bullied as a kid, you know… the only way to stop a bully is to hit him in the face then they shut down and curl up. [hopefully lol]
and the USA government is a bully.
Capitalism. If it makes money you do it.
If you lose money (or think you do) because of civil liberties.
you limit that loss by removing those liberties by lobbying (buying) a government that regulates/enforces those liberties.
If it is cheaper to dump and poison the environment.
you dump
If it makes money to have your product break after a certain time
You design it to break.
If it makes money to have a war
You create a war.
If a precious natural resourse is fueling your ability to make money
you get. that. resourse: fracking and puppet governments designed to give it to you cheap.
If a self destructive society collapses….what then.
If capitalism is replaced with a sustainable open source society where no money exists.
If it makes money it no longer matters.
There is no system so ingrained in all humanity as immoral and cruel as capitalism. It corrupts, it wastes, it pollutes, it criminalizes, it monopolizes, it abuses, it destroys, it marginalizes, it dehumanizes… all for profit.
This is not the way for civilization to advance.
The solutions proposed by the Zeitgeist movement and the Venus project are valid (imo). I ask anyone reading this who may agree in some way to look these groups up. It is no exaggeration to say they have irrevocably changed my perspectives.
I'll have to investigate those two, thanks for mentioning them !
“Not since 1776… Corporations were limited time entities up until around the Reconstruction”
Exactly. I don’t think people understand the true extent that the civil war changed this country. Once states were denied the power to secede if they disagree, all states basically have to go along with the “general opinion”. The big difference is that states no longer had power, and that the federal government fully ruled all. People became too removed from the power structure to understand or influence it, and the consolidation of power allowed the governemnt to easily persue its own interests. When you further simplify things to two parties, there isn’t a real choice anymore. One government with two parties that are different sides of the same coin.
I do however find it discomforting how the government doesn’t even PRETEND to pass laws for the people. How does SOPA help Americans AT ALL?
Why they can't leave the freedom of web alone!? =(