Uncensored version of Asobare Dear Sex Friend [English, 200 pictures], by Sanagi Torajirou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 41 comments

I love to see women respected more than that, but a praisable share nonetheless

Brought to us by Raikoh, Dark Knight and Kusanyagi (thank youuuu), here is the complete version of Asobare Dear Sex Friend, 200 pictures long, by Sanagi Torajirou. And, to be frank, I have mixed feelings towards this manga. On the one hand, the drawings are hardcore, almost fully uncensored, displaying good vaginal, titty and anal sex, the drawing style is pretty close to Takeda Hiromitsu‘s one.
On the other hand, scenario-wise, this is half average half lame. This is never complicated, never dramas, but still… Women are most often cum dumps or objects to submit through powerful sex, and fidelity isn’t a cardinal virtue.

If you can disgregard the scenario and just enjoy the graphics, however this would be perfect. One last note, page 16, there was a great “where was she hiding tits like that ?!? O_o” moment :lol:

This also contains “Just A Sudden Impulse”, that I used to share as a standalone post previously.

Update : and now, thanks to Ted Bear, this is UNCENSORED, woot ! :D
I also offer you a recompressed version (from 222 to 87 MB.)

By the same artist, I also share Photorare Sex And Photograph (217 pictures), Netorare Kataomoi (203 pictures), Aheochi 3Byou Mae (217 pictures), Cast Aoi (189 pictures), Familia, Kanyuu Shoujo and Tsukaretemo Koi Ga Shitai! Ichi-wa.
The mangaka is also part of the circle A.O.I., under which name there is Tea.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(222 MB, 200 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

And, as I wrote above, if you like I’m also offering you a recompressed version, without a visible loss in quality, with a significant reduction in file size, from 222 to 87 MB.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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12 years ago


12 years ago
Reply to  ADeadGuy

yeah, it's mostly ntr. meh.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  S.C.

Fucken NO NO AND NO. Adultery is not betrayal with huge moral pain.

12 years ago

I agree with oliver here. For most part its just as the title ofthemanga sex friends and sexual discovery

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  ADeadGuy


12 years ago

First 5 tales translated by Darknight. Last 6 translated by Kusanyagi

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  2Hip

Thank you :)

12 years ago

fyi: Asobare, is the Japanese title. Dear Sex Friend, is the title, in English. (wink wink)

12 years ago

yeah…NTR stuff

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
12 years ago

"If you can disgregard the scenario and just enjoy the graphics"

Well, I do enjoy Takeda Hiromitsu's works.

12 years ago

The art is good but full of ntr stuff. So its a no-no.

12 years ago

"Fidelity isn't a Cardinal virtue"… OK, I'm done. Moving on… thanks anyway, Oliver.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  widowchaser

HAAA, at last someone reading my description and making good use of it ! :)

12 years ago

I've learned, Oliver, that I ignore or even fast-scan your descriptions (or WOT as you prefer) at my own risk. :) You do a creditable job of 'fair warning'….

12 years ago

These types of NTR are best. Hot but (at least for me) without rage factor, because endings aren't that bad and BFs are actually trying to do something.

12 years ago

A waste of nice graphics

12 years ago

1. This stuff isn't even NTR, it has similar plot lines but avoids what makes it NTR. The ONLY one remotely NTR (with the girlfriend who goes to the beach) was probably my favorite just because the ending was finally an NTR destroying ending where finally the male hero had some guts. So I'm not sure I can call that NTR. But if you don't like cheating, then yeah don't read. I liked the art, good enough for a fap

12 years ago

honestly i really very hate story like this(the bottom of my heart)
this was really stupid and very shameful
I pray, love stories like this
I hope you have an event like this+(author)
sorry i'll skip this

12 years ago

The ending page annoys me….

12 years ago
Reply to  willy191

well, we can't deny the fact that what she says are true.

12 years ago

Takeda Hiromitsu? Yeah, im interested.

12 years ago

NTR is genre, where the main protaganist will have to deal with a great blow, their lover will be fucked by others, with or without force, the most common patern is they doing it without force, the heroine will make excuse, usually a dumb excuse.

The idea of NTR is a whole new level then a cheating standand, in cheating, they will doing it behind and will not discover, but NTR is diffrent, This is the main point, the main hero will discover the truth, then the battle will begin, if he have some guts, then with a luck or with any other combination, he will able to stole back her lover, if not, the ending might show, the hero is pathethic form, helpless, the soul was crushed, anger, grief, shame, guilt, and so on.

The Ending of NTR have 3 pattern, patern 1, the hero are useless, and heroin was fucked and stolen from him, patern 2, the hero are not useless, heroin was capture back, and patern 3, the hero fucked the heroine, heroine also fucked by other guys, hero can not stop the heroine from get fucked by other guys and only eitheir watch it happen or join them together.

The NTR in english are cukclod, however, personaly i believe, NTR are whole new level, cucklod is where the main was not even give a fight, however, NTR give the hero a new option, a change to make it right, to get back their future that have been stolen from him. This is the diffrence.

Until now, im yet still not found any NTR genre show the main hero destroy or erase his opponet, all of them nothing but pussy and whimpy, all of them, show the hero nothing but pathetic, useless and crushed, non of them have guts, to stand up and stole back their lover, and kill their opponent, coz the hero are to nice and wishy-wishy. loser.

12 years ago
Reply to  qz89

There is an option not examined. The useless hero honestly finds slutty ex-GF disgusting now, and moves on, hopefully much wiser… and hopefully better equipped to avoid the circumstances that led to the whole mess. You don't see it much, but it's as valid a reaction as any. Like a buddy taking a drink from your bottle while you weren't looking, then after slobbering up the bottle, and back-washing it, he hands it back, smiling. My first reaction is to toss it in the trash…

12 years ago

there is a story like that :The bug story from Nagare Ippon. Don't worry, I know where I can find the exit. lol

More seriously, a story from the Otomedori book from Carn (Magono Tei), seems to go int this way (I can't be sure since I don't speak japanese languages at all). The main male discovers that his female chilhood friend from he harbors a deep love, is happily living as a cuming bucket with old and random bastard guys (technically it is not NTR because she is isn't her girlfriend from the start). Completely crushed, he finally finds comfort from ends his other female and ponytail chilhood friend. Well the ending is not even close to be bittersweet (we talk about Carn after all), when we know that the outcome begins with another rough time for the main male protagonist (he discovers that his ponytail childhood friend is also having sexual relationship with random guy. We know why after, we can tell she had to endure a rough time too), but he is not completely crushed at the end,…

12 years ago
Reply to  baka-man

that was doujin for zero-in…i kinda forget what it's name…the doujin shows he is indeed crushed.. to make it worse her little sister is sex slave to his bullies..

12 years ago

"from he harbors a deep love" > i wanted to say "whom he harbors a deep love". Sorry.

12 years ago

Sorry for the triple post, but I have just realised that I didn't understand at all the last comment from widowchaser. Well it is true that the main male protagonist from one of the stories of Otomedori book, is finally able to move forward at the end, with a similing face but not like the way that Widowchaser describes it.

12 years ago

I am deepl sorry, it will be my last post, but I have just checked up the story in question from the Otomedori Book, and it appears I have COMPLETELY mislead the whole situation. To be brief, I will just say that it is one of the WORST NTR story I have ever read. So you can completely ignore what I have said in my previous posts,… T_T

12 years ago
Reply to  baka-man

don't mention it

12 years ago

well, it's true, all NTR will always give fuck-up ending, in hentai world, when come to NTR, there is no mercy, all moral will be crushed, include the male itself.

That is why I'm suggesting "Reverse NTR", coz normal NTR is too mainstream. also, i already find a great example for this called "Reverse NTR", the manga called…duh..i forgot…the plot is, this child watch how her mother raped in front of her and killed, then, she was adopted and became maid in the house of the fuckers, but they don't know, that was her, …later, she gets revenge but destroying that man is weakness, her daughter, mentally break down and became slave to men desire.

This is what we called "what came around, goes around"

In this manga, in the second story, we know that old man has a daughter around the age of the female protagonist, that girl might became potential value for "Reverse NTR" asset. Not enough with that, that old man was framed with fraud, all his entire fortune was robbed, his entire life was destroy, while, the old man is suffering, the male protagonist is busy branding his lover as his own women/ sex slave and also a new slave, that man's daughter..kill two bird with one stone..no that is too mainstream…kill three bird with one stone…he got the girl, he got the money, and he got his own pride back as a man.

12 years ago

I don't care what anyone says, I thought this was hot as hell. Never been an NTR fan either, but parts of this manga were *awesome*. That four-way in the nurse's office alone earned this a place in my Favourites folder.

11 years ago

I hate when a Mangaka has a big talent to do great stuff, but no, he spend papers and inks and his talent drawing Fuc… NTR. I hate this kind of hentai.

Andy Lee
Andy Lee
11 years ago

Meh… NTR… Im sick of it

11 years ago

I downloaded this from all three links, and none of them would unzip. AmI the only on having this problem??

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Weiiiiiiiiird O_o

Can you try with, either, the latest versions of winrar (from rarlab.com) and 7-zip (from 7-zip.org) ?

11 years ago

This site is full of vanillafags…

11 years ago

how the hell did i missed this O__O

it really does look like from Sanagi Torajirou, ^^

gorgeous as ever!! thanks for the work Oliver!!

10 years ago

I have Asobare now as a bookmark for about a month and I still can't make up my mind, I hate NTR and on g.e it's highly declard as NTR and the comments here aren't declaring it otherwise, but everyone has different definiton of NTR…You say there is no drama but NTR is drama from A to Z, what is it now, do you remember this book and can asure me somehow one way or another?

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  battousai124

Nah. I'm sorry, but I really don't remember :(

10 years ago

it's ok, didn't really expect you to answer anyway, but still thx.
Damn I think, at some point my curiosity and wish to see the drawings will get the better of me, eventually, but not today…

3 years ago

could you please fix the compressed file, its broken :(