Persona 4 hentai doujin [English] : CosNao, by Yukinohana

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Sloopy art exploding with energy, it's it strange ?

Everything I know about Persona, I learned it from hentai doujinshi, so it’s no wonder I recognized this doujin as a persona 4 parody, but totally failed at understanding what the hell was going on, right ? ;) :lol:

Oh well. The usual “senpai” and a certain “nao”, dressed as a maid, have intense happy sex, that’s the gist of it ^^

Just like in Harem Banchou, my previous share by Yukinohana, The drawings have an unperfect side, with flaws and too large censorship, and yet it seems to me the drawings are BURSTING with life and energy, it felt good to read it :shock:
If you’re into creamy, generous female teen bodies, in maid outfits, go for it :)

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(15 MB, 28 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

trans: CGRascal

12 years ago

I see nao, I think "no"

12 years ago

naoto is a female crossdresser in persona 4 who is also a master detective, she is all like "wanna be a boy" but for the master pimp main charackter she also appreciates to be a woman
lovers scene from the game: