Bakemonogatari hentai doujin [English] : Hanekawa-san No Chichi Doujinshi, by KFD (Also Known As Piero)
One word : “lolwut”
Three words, and they’re in French to make it worse “mise en abyme”. A less satisfying term (since it’s not in French ) would be “breaking the 4th wall”.
So : two bakemonogatari characters, knowing they’re in a hentai doujin, proceed to having sex since that’s the most logical thing to do in a hentai doujin, isn’t it ? And sex follows, there you are, enjoy the show, lol
Thanks a lot to Desu and Niagatrats for this unusual release, the drawings are quite average for fapping materials, but at least it’s worth a read for the fun of it ^^
By the same artist, whose name is written Piero, PIero or Pi-Ero, and who also uses the K.F.D. pen name, I also share Paicchu (213 pictures), Chounyuu Daifungoku (214 pictures, Uncensored!), Chichiyoku (dark tonality, 170 pictures), I Love Nyu (mostly positive vibes, 186 pictures), Chounyuu Gakuen (comedy harem, now the complete tank, 233 pictures), Shichinin No Mama (also comedy harem, 219 pictures), Atatamete Kudasai, a pack of 2 works (Chichiana + Musubi-tan Dai Pinch) and Icchimainaaaa.
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(21 MB, 17 pictures, English)
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Considiering that Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari "broke the 4th wall" on occassion, that was a bit of fun "lolwut" but it just doesn't look enough like Hanekawa to work (and not because she's not in braids or her boobies are too big).