Clesta / Etcycle TOTAL PACK ! [English, 27 volumes, 482 pictures, mostly Uncensored]
Pervy Soldiers, I bring you good news from the Clesta / Etcycle / Kure Masahiro war front !
My Cl-Orz Pack has levelled up !
It has grown into an Etcycle/Clesta TOTAL PACK, simply That’s +5 volumes, +106 pages, +1 uncensoring
As you may remember if you didn’t burn too many neurons watching pr0n, the artist Clesta has released several hentai works under various names, with on top of all the CL-Orz faptastic series.
Until today, I was sharing the CL-Orz serie in a massive pack of awesome, but I kept Clesta’s other works separately in other posts.
I changed my ways (please, do not misunderstand or exploit my words ^^), and I decided to simply repack in one zip EVERYTHING I have by Clesta, including the non – CL-Orz volumes.
You can grab that heavenly pack on THAT page, enjoy !
First, I replaced my initially censored version of CL-Orz 18 with the newly uncensored version provided by Belldandy100 and Afro Thunda, great job guys !
And then, I added the missing stuff.
These other works I added to the pack are :
– Allow Me To Introduce My Girlfriend (short full-color succubus sex story)
– CL IC1 (average grayscale)
– CL IC4 (poor grayscale)
– Shiroi Koibito (poor grayscale, already shared separately)
– Japanism Girl (great grayscale, already shared separately)
I played my own moralfag brand and excluded the two yaoi works drawn by Clesta, I’m doing my best to forget their very existence.
Summary : New Clesta pack = Old Clesta pack + 5 other works + CL-Orz 18 newly uncensored
And New Clesta Pack = EVERYTHING by this awesome artist
Great post. Many thanx Oliver,