Code Geass hentai doujin [English] : Villetta Sensei Ni Moeru Hon, by Kaiki Nisshoku (Also Known As Naoto Ayano)
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A dark-skinned woman. With big tits and long hair (for anyone who gives a fuck, she’s Code Geass’ Viletta. A fuck was given, enjoy.) Having very energetic sex with a determined young man possessed by a strong sexual drive. And the rest is DELICIOUS fap’n’go, my dear, dear pervs Thanks a LOT to ACF and BluMeino, from Chocolate Scans ! |
(Huhu, with my computer problems, it’s good that I had forgotten to post that one yesterday, at least that’ll be a share for today ^^ If I can manage, I’ll post more shares later, but I don’t promise anything.)
By the same artist, I also share Teitoku Manual 1-2, Teitoku Manual volumes 3-4, Eiyuu Shigan, Rider Or Die 1-8, Holy Infinite, Momoiro Toiki, Brittania No Hito, Ponytail no Kanojo + Tsuruya Sutairu and Oscilloscope.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 28 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Oliver here, from wifey"s notebook.
The longest my PC seems to run freezeless with just the system hdd (no, seriously, don't ask me to prepare a hentai share from a linux live cd) is 20 minutes.
I can't test the ram apart from memtest that gave nothing (removing one slot out of two would mean 1 GB on win7 64, meaning system freezes anyway lol).
I've had freezes when it wasn't the system disk but another disk that was plugged (with mint live cd as OS).
That either leaves the RAM (untestable), the PSU (I looked at the suggested stuff and found nothing suspicious, but well, that's not sure proof testing), the hdd cables (plugged and unplugged everything, tested with spare cables, so I doubt it), and the motherboard (the untestable last resort).
At this point :
-if it's the mobo, I may as well replace my PC tower
– if it's the PSU, same deal, I am not capable of replacing it myself
– if it's the RAM, this is irritating that I cannot test it, and buying old RAM slots would be a problem since they wouldn't be compatibles with a new mobo as I would buy it the day I replace my machine
Besides, my PC is also used for work.
That leave me with one conclusion : tuesday, I'm buying a new PC tower. Should amount to 300€, I don't have big needs.
Sorry to hear about that. Best of luck to you
Make sure you don't get anything less than an i5 (CPU). If you do you're getting ripped off
Although if you're willing to put out the cash, I highly recommend an i7 (should only be about 100 more…) I assure you, you will notice a difference with Photoshop. Especially if you get 8GBs of RAM as well.
Good luck Oliver.
Salut Oliver,
Windows 7 se débrouille très bien avec 1 Go de mémoire, il sera un peu plus lent mais rien de dramatique (surtout si tu tournais avec 2 Go). Là, au moins, tu seras fixé.
Si c'est la carte mère, effectivement, autant changer la tour (je pars du principe que tu possèdes une machine d'au moins 3-4 ans).
Si c'est l'alimentation, la changer n'a vraiment rien de compliqué : un gros connecteur sur la carte mère, un autre de 4 broches pour le processeur, le reste sur les disques durs, cd/dvd, etc…). Au pire, si t'as pas tout branché, le pc s'allume pas. Pas de risque.
Quant à la RAM, à moins d'avoir de la SD-Ram, en trouver n'est pas compliqué et pas (trop) cher (voir )
David, c'est win7 64 bits…
Et alors ? Il s'agit de tester la ram, pas de le faire tourner définitivement avec 1 Go. Au moins, la barrette sera mise à rude effort.
very minor title correction: Its "Villetta" not "Viletta"
Always nice to see a Villetta doujin done. Thanks for posting and I hope you get your computer issues fixed.
I am sort of new to the site and I was wondering if i could make a request here?
from your posts oliver i see you are not a big fan of futanari but I was wondering if you could get hold of some works by the artist T.K-1
its a strange name i know but thats what it is. i think he does primarily futa stuff.
I would be much obliged. if not then that is ok too
Ultimate Boot CD runs as live linux and lets you run memtest btw ;<
Olivier, je suis pas orienté programmation web , mais si tu veux pas que la page se charge de nouveau quand tu mets un tag, il faut passer par de l'Ajax! Ca ne doit pas être tres dur à faire et ca marche avec tout les navigateurs, parle en à ton codeur portugais. Je l'aurais bien fait pour toi, mais de 1 j'ai pas le temps, et de deux je suis plutôt programmation application. Sinon ton site toujours au top