A Good Reason For Less Friends [English], by Maruta
With great thanks to Red Vodka, Altereggo and Calyx, here is a pleasant work with a simple story, two youngsters in love finally having their first time. The idiosyncrasies of this one, precisely ? The girl eats a lot, she’s just a bit chubby and nothing more (in this regard, teen age is atrociously unfair towards us adults who’ll pack pounds by the dozen as soon as we allow ourselves to eat too much, grrr !), the male character has a really nice, well-carved body, and Maruta’s drawing style is as good as of usual
I really LOVE Maruta’s style, I don’t know what exactly produces that effect, but I found the girls’ faces adorable (cf the big preview pic above ^^), the bodies have a lot of “presence”, it really shows that *talent* isn’t an empty word
Bonus note : I found a nice pic cutely depicting my love for women that aren’t skinny, check it out
–Update: good news, this post has become obsolete.
From now on, you’ll find this share inside the complete volume:
Kanojo Zokusei – Kimi Zoku
hey there !
Just to tell you that onii-chan control volume 2 is out (you shared volume 1 18 months ago ^^), i'm gonna go read it on manga fox :p
I thought this was worth a comment since I really liked volume 1
(on a similar note, to love-ru darkness is as close as an ecchi manga can get to not-being-exactly-hentai-yet, and more than 1 volume is out)
Cheers !
Since you professed your love of Maruta, and since I also love his/her work, I just have to share with you these two works currently not on your site Oliver.
Here they are:-
HNNNNNNNG she’s so adorable…
I loved this one, such a great artist, the girl is soooooooo adorable to the point I think a new word needs to be made because adorable just isn't enough to describe that face.
Maruta's works is always full of love and warm feeling. Thanks Oliver for sharing it and TV for the translation.
1) Yes, Maruta rocks. No news here.
2) The girl's body is indeed beautiful, but I suspect that her clothes don't flatter her much.
3) Another Maruta chapter can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?ym56a878uh01o6z
4) …did you read Soto no Kuni no Yome after all?
She’s so damn cute! Love it, though I’m not a fan of the plug for 9gag… *shudder*
No homo in mentioning how nicely toned the male character was Oliver =p.
awesome share Oliver thank you^^
Just to let you all guys know, if you guys are similar with cdisplay / ex the manga viewer that let you guys read your manga without opening the rar/zip package, there's a new one called quivi.
I think no program can beat cdisplay in term of convinience and easy to use (I still use it on my daily manga-ing life), but with quivi, you can view it in png mode which cdisplay can't show in some of hentairules releases. Hope that will help you guys fapping even better
Just sharing hope I don't break any rules or whatever here
Does it open the ones I recently posted? Someone was complaining about CDisplay not being able to open them.
Yes HurpDurp that's why I mentioned it above
Great, I'll go add that into my posts then :V
Always liked a well-rounded partner myself. A little extra weight, strategically placed and curved for effect, IS both nice to look at and grab a hold of. And the artist's style did do a nice job on the facial expressions! This story was a wonderful share, Oliver! Thanks for the hard work!
So now chubby means 'not about to die of starvation'. I'll have to make a note of that.
I didn't think the girl was chubby at all.
Love the art!
Thanks Oliver-san!