The Idolm@ster hentai doujin [English] : Honey And Miki’s Feelings, by Kasuga Souichi
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww =)
Love and positive feelings are overflowing to the point that we’re risking to become sick with diabetes from the mere reading of that doujin – too much sugary vanilla
In short, the Idolm@ster heroine Miki is having a lovey dovey evening with her beloved producer, that ends up as planned with the both of them having great happy sex.
Graphically, this is a bit less awesome, still above average, but no great shakes, though.
I hope you may appreciate it, it was brought to us by Wrathkal, Phantom Renegade and Mrakymrak, from Team Vanilla and Trinity Translations Team
By the same artist, I also share Kimiro Princess, Kafun Shoujo, a pack of 2 works (Choushin No Kanojo + Shinchousa Noaru Kanojo), Ai No Katachi, Igokochi No Li Honey, The Center Of My World and Koi No Suguu, in every case it’s overflowing with love and cuteness, with delightful vanilla for us to enjoy =)
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(16 MB, 23 pictures, English)
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THX A LOT!!! shares like this make my day ^_^
This is the only acceptable way to get diabetes. Thanks for the sugar rush! ^_^
Cute, but the sex is lacking